𝟏𝟐. 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸

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full chapter irl! :) enjoy!

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full chapter irl! :)

the group of friends were very much enjoying rosalie's show. they all admired how she gets lost away in her music but manages to communicate with everyone. the show could've originally ended in just a few minutes but vivian decided it was time to get out there again. she's happy she's doing her comeback in boston, the place she grew up in.

as the time went by vivian was a fucking mess. her anxiety was taking over and she was overthinking. what if they boo at her? what if they throw tomatoes at her like they do in the movies? also not to mention the fact that matthew fucking sturniolo is here. they've been texting and facetiming each other for a good while. the girl often finds herself smiling and giggling at his texts or calls.

she was broken away from her thoughts when the stage lights went dark.

"alright vivian, we're ready for you" a team member said.

vivian turned around and looked at her friends for reassurance. ivy and jackson gave her a big hug and vinnie said a quick "good luck". she took a couple of breathes and began walking her self up until they gave her the "ok" .

the crowd seemed confused. the lights were off but unrecognizable music was somehow playing until the intro to 'karma' started playing and everyone went wild.


vivian was having the time of her life up there. she sang songs from her debut album, singles, her and rosalie even sang other songs from different artists. she just felt so alive.

"boston" rosalie began to say, "i want to thank you all for coming today, thank you so much for making my last day so special. not only you guys but my friends who came down here to spend it with me and of course my whole team who made this happen. the show and tour ends here, thank you so so much i love you guys be safe. until next time"

she waved and got off stage to meet her friends in the back.

"well it's over now" she says "fuck i can't believe it's over"

vivian and their friends look at each other until she spoke, " the celebration is not over yet, ro. we have a small party to get to" she smiled.


as the group arrived to the small venue, vivian seemed off. she kept looking at the entrance wondering when a certain brunette would walk in. time went by and she somehow accepted the fact that they most likely won't show up. so she began to chat with others, forcing laughter and putting on fake smiles but for some reason she felt the need to look over at the enterance again. and that's where everything going on around her froze and she saw him walk in.

matthew sturniolo. god how he looked cuter in person. the three brothers looked around for familiar faces but he was looking for certain one. he looked everywhere and then they locked eyes. in that moment matthew began to make his way towards her, leaving his brothers behind.

"hello matthew" vivian said

he smiled "hi vivian" and he pulled her into a hug. both wondering where the hell did he gain the balls to do that.

"i really thought you weren't going to show up" she said, as they walked back towards his brothers.

"well i'm here now aren't i?" he smiled.


yay they met
i'm going to try and finally
write more abt her past

disclaimer!! she does have mental
health issues. i just wanted to put that
out there and also eating struggles that
will be mentioned.
this has taken a toll on me so this
might be personal. if any chapter
mentions any of this i will lyk
before hand:) ty hope ur ok


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