𝟐𝟕. 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘳?

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"why the fuck does johnny have a red carpet?" vivian says as they get closer to the entrance.

"is he fucking serious right now?" ro responds. a few seconds later her phone chimes. it's chris.
rosalie looks up at her friend group then her eyes land on vi.

"um they're a minute away. if you guys don't mind i'm gonna wait out here."

vivian nods, "yeah sure that's fine." she smiles.
"you sure you don't wanna wait out here either?"

she shakes her head and avoids contact, " no that's fine, plus i have to use the bathroom. bye." she says pulling jackson as she quickly walks away.

"you can't avoid him forever, hope. online is one thing but in person? that's another."

"i'm not trying to, okay?" she sounded unconvinced,"i just want to- to loosen up."

"plus if he can-"
"hey guys!" johnny interrupted.

"hey! happy birthday john." she pulls him into a hug and hands him a present.

"happy birthday man," jackson dabs johnny up and then gives him a hug. "that present is from me and vivian by the way."

"yeah sure" he says, looking at more people walking in,"well i gotta keep going but you guys can go ahead and have fun."


as the two walked in, they were greeted with loud music and a crowded room. a mixture of unrecognizable and familiar faces, her eyes land on a person she hoped wouldn't be here. she looks around, trying to get away from him and the entrance before coming face to face with matt as soon as possible. she then spots what looks like a champagne tower?

her plan fails miserably as he, josh richards, is literally standing right behind her in just a matter of seconds.

"vivian!" she jumps, almost dropping a champagne glass with nothing but sparkling cider.

"josh, hey." her eyes are quick to look for jackson, who wandered off leaving the girl by herself.

"hey, you look great." he says.

"she does, right? i'm so sorry to interrupt but i need to borrow this girl for just a few minutes, you know, girl emergency." ivy says with a small smile. the two walk away before josh even responds.

"i love you forever." vivian says.

"oh i know that." ivy playfully elbows her.

𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚 - matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now