chapter two

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The older man was momentarily distracted by River's entrance, which allowed the other man to land a punch. River was just standing there, observing the fight as it continued.

"Ah, Fuck," The man groaned, and he proceeded to flip them over and hold the other down. River was reminded of the gun in her pocket, and she moved her jacket aside. The older man was made aware of her weapon, and he did nothing to stop her from pulling it out. Tangerine was suddenly behind her, and he too was watching the fight go on. Then River's gun was out, and she pointed it at the two fighting. The older man immediately raised his hands in surrender, which left the other man. He was holding a dagger of some kind. River cocked her gun, and the younger man proceeded to hold the other under his knife. "Just fucking shoot him!" The long-haired man said, hands still raised. He was clearly stressed. His glasses were almost off, and his hat was discarded on the floor.

"Shoot 'em," Tangerine whispered, his voice only heard by River. River complied. His voice was commanding. She pointed the gun first at the younger man, and fired. The force caused her to loose her footing for a moment knocking her into Tangerine, but then she regained it herself.

"God, Thanks," The longer haired man gasped, able to breathe again. "Ladybug." He was smirking. River rolled her eyes, and turned around. She didn't have time for all these complications. Tangerine grabbed her arm as she tried to leave. He was stronger than her, but not smarter. River maneuvered herself out of his grip, and placed her gun back in her belt. She walked back into the room between the train cars, and noticed a gap between the luggage. The exact size for what she was looking for. Damn. She groaned, but didn't waste time. She left. She could deal with Ladybug and Tangerine later. Right now, she needed to get away. She entered her previous train car, and noticed a frantic Lemon.

"Um, Hello," River smiled, trying to get past. Lemon whipped around to her.

"Was this you?" He asked, and at that moment Tangerine walked in. Both of their eyes were drawn to the guy who River didn't know. River's jaw was dropped.

"Lemon! What happened to the son?" Tangerine pushed past River who was shocked. Blood was gushing from every pore on his face. It was almost horrifying to see. "We're supposed to keep him alive!"

"I don't fucking know!" Lemon yelled back at his brother, "When you lot left, he just... started bleeding!" Ladybug poked his head into the train car, and Lemon's eyes widened. "You." Lemon's expression was void. He was clearly very upset.

"Me?" Ladybug asked, and River took this as her queue to run.

"You're not fucking going anywhere," Tangerine said under his breath. River took off, and she was quickly followed by Tangerine. Great. "I'll bet you've got the briefcase." River almost rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, that sounds about right," River scoffed. She didn't want to fight him. But he clearly wanted to fight her, so she shucked off her jacket. They were in the room after the previous train car. It was the family car. Shit. A few children's eyes were drawn to the two. River gave Tangerine a warning glance, as if to say Don't fucking try. Tangerine rolled his eyes, and they walked together out of the train car. Once the door had closed behind them, Tangerine looked at River. "Hm? Just didn't want to scar the children, that's all." Tangerine lost his suit jacket.

"Where's the fucking briefcase?" Tangerine asks, and River almost loses it.

"Well, considering I haven't seen it once," She starts, and that causes Tangerine to throw a punch. River dodges it, and grabs his arm. She throws a punch to his nose, and he moves. With his arm in her grasp, she attempts to dislocate it. Tangerine laughs under his breath at her attempt. "Dick."

"Yeah," Tangerine agrees, punching her square in the jaw. River takes a second to adjust herself, before kneeing Tangerine in the groin. "Mmm," He groans in pain. There's a smile on River's face. So far this fight is going better than the last one they had. River also didn't even know why they were fighting. Neither knew the location of the briefcase they both so clearly wanted, and neither killed the son. They should be going after Ladybug. "Fuck, I'm supposed to get off and prove that the son's fucking alive and that I've got the briefcase."

"Well, he's pretty fucking dead and the briefcase is not here," River smiles, looking up at her enemy. Well, not really enemy, but what are they?

"Yeah, thanks for showing the obvious," Tangerine grimaces. An announcement rings, announcing their arrival in the next station. "Fuck, The White Death."

"Oh shit, man," River frowned. "I didn't realize-," Tangerine shushed her.

"It's ok. He'll be waiting at the end, I guess," Tangerine said.

"Well, you should go," River smirked, the automatic door opening. "I'll be here when ya get back." Tangerine rolled his eyes, exiting the bullet train. River eyes her surroundings. There's a bathroom and a vending machine of some sort. River checks her nails, and lets her hair down while she waits for her opponent. That's the word. Not exactly enemies, but not friends. She puts her hair back up, and smiles at Tangerine as he gets back on the train.

"Fuck off," Tangerine scoffed.

"Did they buy it?" River asked.

"Well, kinda. I just have to present the briefcase at the next stop," Tangerine rolled his eyes.

"Yikes, well, that's gonna be difficult," River says, arms crossed.

"Yeah," Tangerine agrees.

"Well, maybe, hear me out," River starts, "We could work together?" Tangerine frowns, and then his face is neutral.

"Well," Tangerine says.

"Hm," River says, too.

"I guess, we could, to stall," Tangerine says.

"See, that's the Tangerine I know!" River smiles.

"You don't fucking know me," Tangerine scoffs. River chuckles.

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