chapter four

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They exited the bullet train. The clock was ticking. Sixty seconds. River's heart was racing. The briefcase was held tightly in her hand as she swiftly followed behind Tangerine. He was lighting a cigarette, presumably to calm his nerves. A man was standing at the end of the station, which was completely empty. River assumed that he was one of The White Death's henchmen. He had guards surrounding him. The gun in River's belt grew heavier with every step she took. Tangerine tossed his cigarette on the ground after taking just one hit. River eyed the men up.

"You've arrived," The man spoke, his accent thick with each word. Tangerine shot him a look that could've read many different ways. "You, uh, really look like twins." River could tell he was being sarcastic. She sent him a smile.

"We've got the case here," River extended it.

"Great, all you've gotta do is take the train to Kyoto station," The man said, "The White Death will meet you there." River nodded. The man eyed her curves, and then caught her eyes. His eyes were coated in desire. Her plan was working.

"We can do that!" Tangerine said, beginning to walk back to the train, grabbing River's arm. His grip was tight, and she easy complied.

"Wait, you haven't opened it have you?" The henchman asked. River shook her head.

"Nope, didn't even ask for the combination," Tangerine smiled, clearly trying to get away quick.

"Yeah, and so no one gets greedy," River smiled. She lifted the case up, and spun the lock. Almost like if on queue, the case opened. Women's T-shirts, undergarments, and a collection of dildos scattered in all different directions. "Shit." Tangerine grabbed her arm and tugged her back to the bullet train. Again, like on queue, the door shut right as they got on. River slid to the floor.

"What the fuck?" Tangerine asked her, arms out.

"I honestly don't even know how that happened," River replied, she was upset at herself.

"I'm sure they were definitely in the market for fuckin' dildos and panties," Tangerine groaned, "Your good looks can't distract 'em that much." River looked at him.

"You think I look good?" She joked.

"Fuck off," He sighed.

"They were buying it, y'know until I did that," River said.

"I'm not that mad at ya," Tangerine said, "Just  know that everyone's death is your fault." River opened her mouth to laugh. "This is no laughing matter, close your mouth."

"Screw you," River chuckled. "At least I'm dying in terrible company." Tangerine didn't say anything at that. River caught his eyes. He studied her features for a moment, causing a light blush to form on her cheeks. She bit her lip.

"Blushin' are we?" Tangerine asked her, and she just shook her head. Her eyes were still on his face. Tangerine slid to the floor across from her. He ran a hand through his brown hair.

"Y'know, we're about to die," River said.

"I know, you've made that very clear," Tangerine chuckled.

"Yeah, we're about to die," River emphasized. Tangerine gave her a weird look, before it visibly clicked on his face. In an instant, he had leaned in. She was smiling, and he decided in that moment he loved seeing her smile. Tangerine's hard exterior was being broken by this girl. His hand landed on her cheek, and he guided their lips together. Finally, they were kissing. It quickly turned from something soft and awkward, to rushed and passionate. They weren't doing this because they had any feelings for each other, but because they had moments left. They pulled apart momentarily.

"You're gorgeous," Tangerine groaned, and that caused River to slide into his lap. He had wide hips and muscular thighs, he was practically built to have her on him. Her mind wandered to her taking him on the floor of the bullet train. Tangerine's hands tangled in her red hair, and he pressed her face even closer to his. River was enjoying this. She didn't mind having her final moments with him.

"Jesus Christ!" Ladybug called from the doorway. The pair almost jumped apart.

"Privacy?" Tangerine asked, and Ladybug laughed.

"What happened to finding the fuckin' brief case?" He asked, and River was looking at the floor.

"Well, the White Death might have an idea we don't have it," Tangerine responded. River was still in his lap.

"How?" Ladybug asked.

"A stupid plan that fucked us all in the arse," Tangerine sighed. River realized in that moment she hadn't seen Lemon in a long time.

"Where's Lemon?" River asked, looking up to Ladybug. Tangerine's head whipped to the girl in his lap.

"Where is he?" Tangerine repeated.

"I'm not sure," Ladybug replied. River took the hint and climbed out of Tangerine's lap. She stood up, and straightened out her outfit. Tangerine stood too, and quickly left the train car. River looked at Ladybug, who shrugged. They followed Tangerine, who checked every seat, room, and place his brother might be. There was an underlying fear that he wouldn't be alive when they found him.
     River knew something was wrong when Tangerine opened a bathroom door and audibly gasped. His expression fell, and his breathing turned shaky. River turned around and Ladybug followed. She didn't know what he'd seen, but she knew that he probably didn't like to be overly vulnerable in front of everyone.
     Minutes passed. Tangerine finally emerged from the bathroom. His eyes were red, and his cheeks were puffy.

"He's dead," Tangerine sighed. He wiped his eyes. River nodded. She hadn't lost someone close to her before, but she knew it must be hard. They were silent for a moment. "I guess, we better be going." River nodded. She didn't know what to say. Tangerine began to walk, and they entered a car they'd been in before. She recognized the girl from before.

"Finally, adults," She pretended to wipe a tear away. River rolled her eyes. She turned around and noticed that Ladybug wasn't with them anymore. "You have to help me!" Tangerine was confused, but he slowly nodded.

"Okay," He agreed. She grasped his torso in a hasty hug. River was standing awkwardly, watching them. That was how she noticed a small detail on her back. A sticker. She recognized it from when she was a kid. Her brother used to spend all day watching cartoons when he was in the hospital. It was a Thomas the Train character, Diesel.

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