1. Sleepover!

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You were sitting in your desk getting ready to go home before you heard someone running to you and slamming his hands on your.
Itodori" Hey y/n!"
Y/n"Hey Itodori"
I say before putting my bag over my shoulder.
Itodori" you know the weekend is tomorrow!"
Y/n" Yes and?" I say before laughing a bit amd walking out as he follows

Itodori" Sukuna is picking me up!"
Y/n" Wow! That's great" I say, he hit shoulder and laughed.

Itodori" We can have a sleepover!"
Y/n" Sure that sounds fun"
Itodori" Yeah! Yeah! Come!"
He says before pulling my arm and running out the school before stopping by a car.

Sukuna" Hey brat" He says looking at Itodori and then looking at me.

Itodori" Me and Y/n are having a sleepover!"

Sukuna" Great your coming again"
He says before Itodori glares at him and opens the door. You know you and Sukuna have never been that close but you did talk alot, you fond Sukuna as a handsome guy.

You and Itodori get in the car you in the backseat and Itodori in the front next to Sukuna in the driver's side.

-Once at the house-

Once you entered the house you took your shoes off and followed Itodori.

Itodori" Sukuna! We're are the snacks?"
Sukuna" I don't know you probably ate them" He says laughing softly.
Itodori" Whatever! I'm going to run to the store y/n you just wait here"
He says jumping out the door and slamming it behind him.

Sukuna" Brat."
Y/n" Ummmm...so-"
Sukuna" What?- you want something"
Y/n" How's it been going?"
Sukuna" Fine I guess..follow me"
Y/n" ok!"
You start following him down the hallway, they have a nice house its not big but big enough for them.

We walked to the bedroom they both share.

Sukuna" This is my room and the brats"
Y/n" I know this is bedroom but why did you bring me here?"

Sukuna" Why do you think?"
He says smirking at me and rubbing his hand on my shoulder.

Y/n mind-Whatthehellhes kinda hot whysocloseI'msohardright knowcan hetellwhat'supwithmemenarehot!!!!

Sukuna made a humming sound before laughing.

Sukuna" Giving you some clothes"

Y/n" Thanks!!!"

He hands you the clothes before leaving the room as he hears Itodori running in as you leave as well and follow.

Itodori" Time for fun!"

You and Itodori spends hours talking, laughing, Watching movies, playing around and eating snacks.

When it came to night it was time for bed Itodori made a bed on the floor and fell asleep fast but for some reason you couldn't.

Y/n-" Ugh....." I rolled out of the couch and walked over to the fridge only to see a tall man with pink drinking some water while leaning on the counter.

Sukuna" Hey there what are you doing up?"

Y/n" Can't sleep.."
It took me a minute to adjust to the light but as soon as I did I say Sukuna wearing a tank top wich showed his bare shoulders, arms and a little bit of his chest( He's quite masculine)

My faced turned red and I was buying up.

Sukuna" You can sleep in the brats bed or something he won't mind- he would probably join"

Y/n" I'm fine thanks" I say scratching me neck before looking away. Sukuna just has a grin on his face

Sukuna" You could sleep in mine"
I started choking on air, while blushing

Y/n" I'm fine! Fine! Hahah"
I walk back to the coach as fast as I could and hid under the blankets.

Sukuna is hot very hot- wait what am I think! Stupid me.

Eventually I did fall asleep.

                    -In the moring-

Itodori" Bye Y/n!"
Y/n" Bye!" I say waveing my hand as I leave walking back to my place.
It was fun the sleepover was very fun!

It was fun the sleepover was very fun!------------------------------------------------------------

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