2. Underwear

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When I did go home I just hopped on my bed and took a nap.

A little later I woke up.
Y/n" mmm.."
Right! I had forgotten to give Itodori back his clothes that Sukuna gave me-
I'll just go know nothing better to do.
I packed the clothes in a bag and went off.

Finally I made it to house.
Y/n" Great- Wonder who will answer the door"
I knock on the door, after 1 minute someone came and opened the door.

Sukuna" Brat go- oh! It's you-"
Y/n" I'm here to drop the clothes!"
You say before handing him the bag.

Sukuna" Just put it in me and brats room." He says before walking into the living room and sitting down as I enter closing the door.
Y/n" Got it!"
I walk down to the room opening the door.

Y/n" I'll do it myself"
Sukuna and Itodori's it's a little messy and I wonder were Itodori.

I place the clothes on Itodori's bed before turing around to look at Sukuna's.

Y/n" Huh? What's that-"
I say before picking up something...none other than is underwear!

Sukuna" Hey listen....."
Sukuna" Pervert"
Y/n" Wh-what!! No! I just picked- mistake!"
Sukuna" It's fine I don't mind~"
You just stand still blushing hardly at what he said.
Y/n" Haha....funny I'm sorry" I say putting it down and trying to walk past him before he pulled me holding me tight.

Iwouldletyoudoanythingtome! You think to your self.
I cover my face in embarrassment.
Sukuna" Wierd"
You just stood there as he kissed your forehead and pulling you to the door.

Sukuna" Go away know'
Y/n" What why!"
Sukuna" For once the brats away with some friends and as much as u wanna make out with me mabye another time"
Y/n" Make-Makeout!"
Sukuna" Yeah~ next time just be a good boy and wait~"
He says closing the door behind you as he pushes you put.

Sukuna is a tease even being rude he does act soft at some points even if he just pushed me out of the house but he's kind in his own way I guess, kinda hot to I think to myself before walking away.

Y/n" Heh- next time" You tried to act calm about it but you were burning up.
Sorry for it being short
But I hoped you enjoyed!

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