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He sat alone. It didn’t look like he minded it though. He is always quiet and keeps to himself but that’s probably because he’s the new kid. St. Josephs always gets new students here in Ireland but he just seemed so different… more intriguing from the rest.

His blonde hair hung down on his forehead, whilst his bright blue eyes scanned the room. He caught my eye and gave a small smirk, looking away back at his artwork. He is really creative and has a good motive of expressing his feelings onto a canvas. I’ve noticed his artwork before once in his portfolio. They really capture my eye, and the fact that he always interprets the same woman in all his artwork, makes him a hint more interesting.

My thoughts swept out of my mind the moment I saw him walking over towards me. I sat alone in the corner of the room; there must be a reason why he’s coming over to me out of every other girl in the room. My heart slowly began to race, and my palms became sweaty. I was nervous, but there wasn’t very much reason for me to be. He neared my side of the table, and slid an extra chair out from underneath, taking a seat on it and facing me. I smiled.

“Hey” He quietly said, his Irish accent strong and husky.

“Hello” I replied with a smile, “You’re new here, right?”

“Yeah. I had to transfer from my last school and this place has what I am looking for. What about you? How long have you been here for?” He said

“Only 2 years. I moved here from Albuquerque with my mum. And pardon me asking, but what did you transfer for? Too smart, or too artistic?” I tried to be as polite as I could whilst having a smirk plastered across my face.

“Too violent. But I like your enthusiasm, babe.” I laughed at his remark, and his smirk reappeared onto his soft, slightly pale skin. He called be ‘babe’ and I blushed. Why did I blush? I’m not interested in him. Sure he is rather good looking but I had only just met him. Besides, I have a boyfriend.

Harry wasn’t the optimal material for a boyfriend, I mean, he has an overprotective side but sometimes it gets relatively out of hand. He’s in martial arts too, so I have never dared to come back to him if he is wound up. He has threatened to hit me before, but hasn’t built up the anger to do so. I don’t understand why so many girls want him. He’s good looking, sure, but he’s rude and just so full of himself. If we were to break up, I’m sure my ‘friend’ Hannah would be right there to pick up my scraps, and I don’t care.

Boyfriends seem so essential to everyone here in Ireland, and since I’m from Albuquerque, I felt the need to fit in. So I got myself a presentable boyfriend and started my life here like that. I didn’t like myself for it, but I am too shy to do anything about it. I’d rather be unhappy, than lonely and abused by Harry.

Unexpectedly, I felt a pair of hands grasp my leg. I gasped, seeing my leg raised in-between the new kids’ knees. His hold was strong so I couldn’t move away, but also gentle so I wouldn’t get injured.

“My name is Niall, by the way.” He spoke softly, rummaging his hand through a couple paintbrushes he had set out only moments ago. His paints were also set out.

“My name is Cassidy. Nice to meet you, Niall. May I ask… what are you doing?” I must have had a confused look plastered on my face by the way he looked at me.

“Just some artwork. Your legs are very nice by the way. Perfect canvas.”

“Thank you” I blushed “But I am no canvas.” I tugged my leg back trying to break free from his touch, only to have the grasp tighten lightly around my ankle.

“En contraire, babe.” I gasped when I felt the soft but cold paintbrush covered in a bright yellow color, I presume. I flinched my leg at the contact of the cold substance on my bare leg. Bad day to wear shorts. At my movements, Nialls knees gave a small squeeze.

“You are my canvas. For my work to look good, I need you to obey my orders.” He said this with a straight face, obviously in control. I didn’t know what to say, and I didn’t want to disagree with anything he said, just in case he tried to hurt me. I guess you could say I have some trust issues. Thank you, Harry. I really didn’t need this life where I am ordered around all the time. I’m too scared to talk back to anyone because I don’t want to make a scene and be the center of attention. That just isn’t my thing.

I nodded to Niall, so he knew I understood and obeyed his order. He continued on his work as I sat quiet and still in my chair. I looked around every once and a while to make sure nobody was looking over at us, or worse, if Harry walked in.


A.N. So I hope you like the first chapter of my new fanfiction :) I will upload the next chapter once this gets 10 votes and comments!!

Thank you for reading this!


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