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As if on cue, Harry and a few of his friends walked into the room, heads held high. It was as if they were walking in slow motion. Harry's hair flowed as if it was water being rippled by the summer breeze. The curls in his hair were shaped perfectly, as if there was no stray strand. His navy v-neck tshirt fit to his chest and biceps, whilst his black chinos rest perfectly across his hip bones as he moved across the room. Thankfully, he hadn't noticed me and I wanted to keep it that way.

My heart dropped and I looked at Niall with a worried face, in which he returned a confused reaction. He was still painting on my small, tanned leg that was captured in his grasp. His back was turned toward the door, not allowing him to understand the reason of my uneasy, frightened features. I was frozen. Niall doesn't know the potential damage that Harry can do. I don't want Niall getting hurt because of me.

I tried to pry my leg from Niall's grasp as quickly as possible before Harry noticed what was going on.

"Hey, love, I'm not finished. Hold still." Niall said in a calm tone, trying to comfort me seeing he noticed I was being very skittish.

"No, Niall you don't understand. Stop, please" I said in a whisper, still trying to pry from his strong grip, "Harry is over there and if he-"

I didn't get the chance to finish me sentence before I had made eye contact with Harry, who was standing two tables away, mouth hung open, an uncertain look turning into anger. I ripped eyes away from him and pulled my leg away from Niall, scooting my chair away from him, all while not ruining the artwork upon my leg. Niall looked from Harry to me; his eyebrow was raised in confusion. I wanted to look at Harry and tell him that nothing happened between Niall and me, but I couldn't build up the courage to do so. I was afraid of him.

"Cassidy, what the fuck are you doing?" Harry yelled at me, and I still didn't look up. I knew everyone in the room was watching and I didn't like it. I could feel plenty pairs of eyes burning into my skin, including Niall's.

"Harry" I whispered looking at my hands in my lap, "can we please take this outside?"

"Fine." He said to me in a harsh tone that I have heard before, but this time it was different.

"Oh, new kid, you're coming too. I need to have a word with you." Harry was implying to Niall. I looked up fast at Niall, only to see him standing with his fists clentched and his eyes glaring at Harry, who looked similar. I stood up slowly and began to walk to the door, Harry infront of me and Niall, trailing behind. I felt a hand slide onto my waist and I looked up to see Niall's face. It seemed soft but he seemed like a dangerous guy who would get into a fight. Without expecting, I was pushed up against the nearest wall that was out of sight of Harry.

I took in a breath, holding it in my lungs as I was scared of what may come. Last time this happened to me, I was beaten by Harry. He was a very violent person and didn't respect women like most would think by his appearance. Tears were rolling down my eyes by now and my head was turned away from Niall. I wimpered quietly because everytime I was loud, Harry would hit me harder. It was just instinct now. Niall's grip was strong and soft against my arms and I would feel his warm, steady breath across my face. I opened my eyes and slowly turned towards him, still crying. He looked serious but in his eyes, it told a completely different story.

"What did he do to you, Cassidy? What did he do to you that makes you so scared?" He said quietly, close to my lips. I didn't say anything but cried harder, making no noise. He wiped the tears from my eyes and I looked at him.

"I-I don't want y-you to... to f-fight eachother." I stuttered and was frightened that I would be hit, "Please d-don't fight."

"You have to stop crying. I'm not going to fight him. If he throws the first punch, look away." He told my, rubbing his thumb across my wrists that were held above my head. I nodded slightly and tried to move away because I knew Harry would get more furious if we were gone.

Niall let go of me, but not before he moved his lips towards my neck. The only person who has ever found my soft spot was Harry. I snapped out of my flashback, only to feel Nialls soft, moist lips along my jaw line. He was leaving small kisses and his hands travelled from my wrists to my waist. His touch was rough, but I liked it. His hair was soft against my cheek and his skin was cold. Stop I told myself in my head. He is dangerous kept running through my mind until i felt Niall's teeth graze my skin; He had found my soft spot. My collarbone was always a weak spot for me.

Nibbling and sucking on my skin, I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my hands in his hair. He let out a soft moan and I gripped his hair into my fists, gently pulling. A gasp left my mouth as his hand touched my skin underneith my shirt. How can someone so dangerous be so intriguing? I snapped out of my thoughts because my collarbone began to hurt, so I attempted to move away. He realised this and composed himself, lifting his head up, a smirk on his face.

"Looks good on you." He whispered into my ear, quickly pulling away.

I followed him to the back doors of the school. His back was muscular and toned nicely. It looks as if he has been working out for months. Probably, idiot. Nobody gets that muscular sitting around on the couch all day I argued with myself. I took in a deep breath, trying to compose my thoughts.

"Finally! What the fuck took you so long?" Harry said angrily to me, grabbing my wrist tightly. His touch wasn't as soft and gentle as Niall's.

"I'm sorry..." My soft voice barely coming out in a whisper. I was now looking down at the pavement trying to prevent any more tears. Harry doesn't need to see it, because he will only use it to his advantage. I felt Niall's eyes burning into my back, and all I wanted to turn to him or yell his name. Almost instantly, I felt a stinging on my cheek. This caught me off guard resulting in me falling onto the pavement gripping my cheek in pain. Harry had just slapped me.

"Hey, mate! You can't just hit a woman!" I heard Niall yell from just behind me now. His hand was now on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. Nobody has ever comforted me before. I have never told my mom about Harry's violence.

"Are you going to stop me?" Harry's voice was now holding a tone as if he was taunting Niall to fight him. I looked up to Niall, who glanced at me but still held Harry's eye contact. Niall could take him. I positioned myself to sit up alittle more, trying to stand up.

"Sit still, Cass." He whispered, not looking at me. His hand on my shoulder was gently holding me down. I stayed in my spot as Niall stood up and walked around me. Standing infront of me, I couldn't see what was going on. I wouldn't be able to see who would throw the first punch.

I blacked out before I could see anything else. The only thing I remember is Niall's voice whispering to me, "It will be ok. You're safe now..."


Hey guys! It took my a while to write this but I really hope you like it! :)

If you want, follow me on my Instagram @montannawright or my One Direction instagram @thrustwithniall

Also, follow my beautiful co-owner @sheevahamen on instagram and @Lostin1Dfulworlds on Wattpad :)

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