Chapter 17- "There's more to discover"

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You guys are truly so great! I appreciate every single comment and vote you guys give! It inspires me to write more and makes me happy to know that you guys like my writing! Even though this is a kidnapping story about the boys..... But it is all fictional so its okay! And also.... you guys got me over 2,000 reads in less than a week! Thank you all so much for over 7,000 reads! That's amazing! :)

Anyway! Big cliffhanger when we last saw Harry's situation..... So I guess you guys want to read it now so...........

Onto Chapter 17- "



*Louis' POV*

Cameron grabs a whip and a remote out of the bag.

"What's the remote for?" I ask.

"For all of you. There is three different buttons and they are for when you beg me to stop hurting him, I will press all of the buttons and you will be shocked." he says, grinning.

I gulp and look at Liam. He is staring back at me with fear in his eyes.

"Now let's begin, shall we."

*Harry's POV*

I knew I shouldn't have left the living room. If I would have waited then this would not be happening right now. Why couldn't I have waited unitl I finished and then ask to go to the bathroom? I'm such an idiot and now Louis and Liam might get hurt if they try to stop this from happening. I glance over to them and see Louis still chained to the wall and Liam being held back by some man like I am. They are both looking at me with sympathy. I can tell they both wish they could help me right now but all it would do is bring them trouble.

"Rip his shirt off and take him over to the table." Cameron says.

I gulp and feel myself being hauled up and brought over to the table. The man then grabs my shirt and rips it off my body with no struggle. He then bends me over the table, with my back facing Liam and Louis. I know they want to yell and beg him to not do this but if they do then they will get punished too. 

"Hold him down, Richard." Cameron says.

I feel Richard tighten his grip on me and I try to turn my head but it doesn't go far because the whip comes in contact with my back.

"AHHHHH!" I yell out.

I hear struggling coming from behind me as the whip keeps slamming down onto my back. Everytime it hits my back, I almost fall off the table but Richard keeps me from falling. I have no strength to stand whatsoever. 

After what feels like forever, but really was only about thirty minutes, Cameron stops. I look up with my tear stained face and see him smiling still. I gulp and look over to Louis and Liam. Louis has his leash stretched out and he is trying to break free so he can help me. Liam is trying to pry the guy holding him, off his back. I feel my body being lifted and put back down on the table. I look up at Cameron, confused.

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