Chapter 25- "If we could only turn back time"

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This is getting really sad..... This is the second to last chapter to this story....... But there is a sequel that I hope you all are looking forward to! I know I am! 

Anyway, as always thank you for all the reads, votes, comments, and followers! You guys make me want to write when I see the numbers on that!

Here is the good and bad news on this story and the sequel! It is Niall POV for this chapter and the next which is the last! The other four won't have their POVs back until the sequel! 

Now with that, here is chapter 25- "If we could only turn back time!"


*Niall's POV*

The room went quiet as soon as I started. Paul, Simon, and Adam were staring right at me. I need my parents here and Charlotte. I can't tell them my story until they get here.

"Wait. I can't tell you yet. I need my parents, Greg, and Charlotte." I say, tears coming to my eyes.

"Okay Niall. But the police will also be here when you tell them. They were going to wait until you talked to the police." Simon says, patting my leg.

"I just can't tell this twice. I am about ready to cry and I have only told you guys one sentence. This is all to much to tell twice." I say, tears starting to drip down my face.

"Okay. They will be here in a couple hours. You need to rest some anyway." Paul says.

I nod and they leave the room. I turn onto my side and think about how to tell them. It is still my fault that they are still stuck with Nathan and Cameron. I am never going to forgive myself for leaving them. And with that, I fall into a dreamless sleep. 

Or that's what I thought.

"Hello Niall."

Where did that come from? I try to sit up but my body is chained to a table. What the-

"You shouldn't have left Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis, Niall." the voice says.

"I didn't mean to! I thought I could help them!" I shout.

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