Chapter 1 - The World Outside The Cottage

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In the middle of a big field of peach blossom trees and purple orchids, a woman and a man are sparring. Both have strong swordsmanship, none giving in to each other's counterattack. If someone was watching them, their sparring would look like two lovers dancing in the field, enjoying their peaceful moment.

From the ground, the lovers, start parring up in the air spinning to the clash of their crossing swords. The man has the upper hand and he swiftly gets behind the woman making her lose her guard and she loses the sparring session.

A gust of wind blows, and the petals of the peach blossom trees are dancing around the couple as they slowly land on the ground. The woman gets shy and the man is laughing enjoying his lover's expression.

Not long after, the bright sky turns red and the clouds turn gray. The man holds his lover close to him, shielding her from whatever is coming their way. Dark smoke forms in the middle of the field and around them. From within arriving armed men, ready to take charge at the command of the man now standing in front of the couple.

There is a woman among the men, running up to the commander, pleading he kill the woman in the arms of the man. The commander pulls out his sword and points the sharp tip toward the woman, looking at her with great anger.

The man hugging the woman tells her to run and she does. The couple separates, the man fighting the commander, stalling his lover for more time to escape, and the woman with tears running down her beautiful face hoping she could find someone to help her. However, her escape was in no veil.

The woman ran towards a cliff, and when she looked back to look for a way out the woman that was standing by the commander stood before her along with a few of her guards. The evil woman laughs as she inches closer to the woman. She backs up to the edge until she has no space left. The woman is trapped.

Everyone around the woman laughs at her as she has nowhere to run. The evil woman is standing right in front of her and with a slight touch, she falls down the high cliff. Only an ear-piercing cry can be heard.


Meilian jolted awake, cold sweat forming on her forehead. She tries to calm down her pounding heart. This nightmare has been recurring since she came of age a year ago and it's been haunting her. Meilian tries not to mind her nightmare, but she never knows when it would return - it has left her sleepless at times.

She shakes off the chilling feeling and gets out of bed. Meilian had much work to do therefore she couldn't afford to sleep any longer, the sun was already peeking through the wooden windows. She gets changed into a light green flowy attire and put up her hair in a tall bun, securing it with a wooden orchid hairpin, given to her by her late mother.

Her father was outside, watering his precious plants. He sees Meilian walking out of the house and he calls her over.

They live in a small cottage by the mountainside. The cottage is surrounded by a lake and a bridge that connects to the other side. The land is big and fertile, filled with plants, flowers, and trees. Both of them had enough space to plant newer plants if they wanted to. The cottage is located a half-day walk away from the Fuzhou Kingdom. They live in a remote area. Meaning, if they wanted to go to town for business they would need to prepare in advance.

"Lian'er you finally decided to wake up," he says and pinches her nose.

"I'm sorry father," she says as she takes over watering the plants. "I had the same nightmare again and you know how my sleep is when I get that dream"

The father looks at her in disbelief but she was right. They had tried to find a cure for her condition because that's what pharmacists do. Sadly, they exhausted all possibilities and eventually, made incense that would make Meilian sleep soundly and not be disturbed by any dreams. Some days the treatment worked, but on rainy days the effect of the incense would stop working and last night it was lightly raining.

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