Chapter 3

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The men both gawp at me like I've just announced I discovered the planet Jupiter. "You remember...?" Peter asks with incredible trepidation in his voice.

"I remember my parents' deaths-was that the explosion you wanted to know about?" I ask a sliver of hope creeps into my voice that I know is about to be immediately quashed.

"It's related, but we already know everything about what you saw that day." Dr Kent answers attempting what I think is sympathy, it's hard to tell with his gruff voice.

"What do you mean by 'related'?" I ask.

Peter opens his mouth to speak but Kent gets there first. "Didn't I tell you that information was classified until you remember it for yourself?"

"What if this helped me remember?" I push the boundary between myself and Kent, it's a risk. But, it pays off.

"The glowing green orb...we think they used that technology again to create the explosion." Kent states.

"Who is 'they'?" I question Kent further, pulling myself closer to the men in the front seat as my curiosity gets the better of me.

"That's the answer to your first question, kid. Sunny Sampson, Ron Reed, all the members of Justice Incorporated, who used to go by Nano-Technology Incorporated until they realised they could be heroes that murdered thousands and got away with it." Dr Kent rants on, I have a feeling he didn't mean to say that last part. Mainly because for the first time he is silent.

I sit back in my seat, the tornado of memories and knowledge I do have repeating over and over again in my head. One thought occurs to me though, a mixture between logic and a forgotten memory. If the public believes Justice to be the heroes-are we their villains?

It appears that I said that last part out loud. "That's why it's a paradox Sarah. That's why we need to know precisely what caused that explosion. Very few people will side with us with evidence, and without...thousands more will die, and they will celebrate their murderers." Peter finishes, there is a glassed over look in his eyes and for a moment I wonder how my companions ended up with ANTI. But, that is a question for another conversation.

I almost didn't notice, but we have arrived at HQ. A giant section of the sky turns to what looks like a pane of glass before it shimmers and is pulled away revealing a silver barrier and beyond a long dark tunnel. As we approach the barrier my breaths draw quicker. Peter reaches out the window of the car, pricking his finger on a needle attached to what looks like a rather makeshift computer. Blood drips from his finger and I watch in a mixture of awe and trepidation as the silver barrier turns to a deep red before lifting and allowing us to enter.

"So, this is ANTI headquarters?" I ask the obvious question desperate to break the awkwardly depressing silence in the car.

"Yup, kiddo, this is home". Kent grins. 

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