Ducks. 6

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As the Duck walked in he heard a voice from behind his head. "Hello Duck how are you today?" There he was, flesh and blood the real Jesus. He was twenty feet tall with a beard big enough to fill a house and he had a very gruff and straight forward voice that required no voice changing to believe he was serious and ready for anything. He looked at Duck with a greeting smile and asked, "Have you come here to enjoy some tea?" Duck hesitated for a second and replied, "No thank you, I came here to ask if you can grant me with wings instead of these, arms. They have granted me some use but I don't like them because I don't fit in with everyone else." Jesus frowned and said:  "Okay I understand but I cannot give you wings because if you want to fit in it doesn't matter what is on the outside, it matters what's on the inside. It does not matter if you have arms or wings. But, I will grant you the gift of fabulousness!  Everyone will remember only that you have disappeared and you will tell them that you went through all of this in a true story and let them know why you shouldn't do things because you aren't

perfect." Duck just nodded and was teleported back home in an instant.  Everyone was cheering when they saw him and he did exactly what Jesus had told him to do and he lived a happy life with his wife, family, and five kids. (The moral of this story is to not do so much just to be perfect like everyone else or try to fit in.  Don't do any form of drugs. But try to be happy with who you are and with what you have and let everyone love you for who you are.)

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