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After waking up from this horrible sleep. I probably only slept 4 or 3 hours and I'm sure the alcohol was definitely kicking in now, I sat up. Today lumine, my manager will be flying over to liyue to help with an upcoming movie in doing. Every since I landed in Liyue I've been flooded with movie and series request. We finally accepted one so when my manager arrived we will soon go to the meeting and meet the cast.

I got changed and went downstairs to the opening of the bank, there was a small coffee shop nearby so I could probably get a quick coffee and snack. I walked past scaramouch leaving and receiving an annoyed look.

I got to the cafe and at the entrance was a poster of the man he met last night drinking boba alongside somebody else with blue hair. He really is popular, seems like I've seen him everywhere. I got inside and ordered the same drink the pretty man was drinking on the poster, because well my not aha? I sat down and waited for my drink.

I received a phone call as I was sitting down once I got my drink

"Hello?"i said

"Hey Tartar, it's Lumine, my phone died so I used another managers phone"

"Ah hey lumine, I'm at a coffee shop right now, it's near the bank"

"I coffee would sound good, but right now I'm getting your things ready for the meeting, it's in 4 hours"

I quickly checked my watch, '10:34' the meeting is at 2:30, I could probably walk around the city for a bit.

"Thanks lumine, I'll call later when I'm getting ready to head to the meeting."

"Alright by tartar"

I said my goodbye and quickly finished my drink, I got a taxi to take me to the main part of the city. I saw huge comercial boards on building and the people of liyue flooding the streets, very different from my home country. By now I really only had 3 hours left,

I walked down the streets.


Zhongli POV

I was in the studio as people surrounded me doing my hair and makeup. I simply relaxed my face as i felt brushes against my skin.

I've done this for years ever since I was a teen I always starred at movies, although I could make a living with just an actor, I probably couldn't handle all the popularity, I simply resorted to a job at wangsheng karaoke bar.

The painted my lips a soft pink and red and added orange eyeliner to match with my hair and eyes.

The time read 1:30pm, I sighed and went to the dressing room.


Tartaglias POV:

The time was closing in at almost 2pm I lost track of time once more, I ran to the meeting not being able to switch to my formal clothes, I tidied myself up to at least look the most presentable, I made my way to the building and saw lumine and another manager crossing their arms.

I laughed sheepishly

"If I had a dollar every time you were late I wouldn't need to be working with you" lumine said in an angered tone.

"Sorry sorry, let's just head to the meeting right?" I tried to fix the slightly mad and awkward atmosphere but they just walked inside.

I followed behind looking around and seeing all the a liyuen architecture, it was truly beautiful. We were right outside the meeting room, we were going to make a plan for the movie then meet the cast, I was pretty excited, I'm a musician so it's not a lot of times I get to act in a movie.

The door opened and I and my managers walked in there was a lot of people in the room but I locked eyes with one person.

It was the boy I met at the karaoke bar, the man I see on the internet, the cafe, we looked at each other for slightly longer time we expected both trying to process the other one.

"Stop ogling at him, you were the dude at the bar weren't you!" A little dude said, if I remember from yesterday

night his name was Xiao.

"Yea yea, we met at the bar" I replied walking over to the pretty man.

The surrounding people saw our little interaction but proceeded to just continue on with whatever they were doing.

"So I wouldn't have expected to see you here, I saw a post about you, your name is zhongli right?" I said trying to make the atmosphere a little less awkward

"Zhongli the name, you mentioned at the bar your name was Tartaglia right, and to mention splendid to meet you here there is a nice cafe down the street instead of meeting up on Thursday we can go after the meeting?"

He gave a soft smile a view I can stare at forever his voice flowed so smoothly like if he planned it, that's when I found out I've gone to deep, I'm in love.

I soon reloaded I've probably been looking at him a little too long.

"Yea after the meeting is fine, perhaps you can show me around the city haha"

Xiao gave my a quick stare before looking at Zhongli and waiting for his answer.

"I don't mind, thank you, for now let's see what the movie will be about"

We all sat down in a large round table, I of course sat next to zhongli, much to Xiao's displeasure. Lumine sat in front of me and everyone took their Seats.

The director said his hellos and began the description of the movie.

"This will be a recreation of the Aladdin. I've got all the characters set.

Zhongli with be jasmine, tartaglia will be Aladdin, /////"

The director continued speaking about the roles and how the movie will be played out, dates ect.

Everyone spoke to each other about their roles . Being main characters with the worlds finest jewel made by heart skip a beat. He looked at me with a smile before talking with Xiao. I simply sighed, I looked at lumine and she gave me an annoyed look. I guess there is more things I'm looking forward to in liyue.

 I guess there is more things I'm looking forward to in liyue

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