𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚; 𝙧𝙡; 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙖

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hi it's jude

hello hello
watcha doing


fifa with my brother
i suck at this fucking game

it's not THAT complicated

says the literal footballer

i can assure you it has nothing
to do with being a footballer or not😭

i'm not convinced

we can play a game of fifa so that i
can show you
your house or mine?☺️☺️

ok wow
you have a lot of self-confidence bro
it will not happen☝🏻

damn okay 😞😞😞
it was worth a try
ok i have to go
i'll talk to you later?

sure :)

Jude liked your text "sure :)"

-   You're talking to this figure skater?   Asks a teammate of Jude, giving him a smile, putting his shoes on.

-   You succeed?   Mason says to him smiling, under a roll of eyes of the concerned one who answers nothing.   Ah come on mate, tell us!

-   It's thanks to us that she answered you in the first place. You gotta update us now.

-   I said that pick-up line sucked.   Trent chuckled lightly as he put on his t-shirt. 

-   Honestly if it doesn't work Jude, you can blame it all on Phil and Jack. They're the ones who pressed the "send" button.   Said Bukayo shrugging his shoulders.

The two concerned raise their heads, letting out dramatically offended noises at the same time.

-   Okay, listen there.   Begins Jack, raising a finger.   He had to start the conversation! Jude had been in her comments for so long, it was starting to get creepy. Had to do something.

-  You must have scared that poor girl.  Laughs Marcus, patting Jude on the shoulder, who puts on his t-shirt with a sigh.

-   I wouldn't even be surprised if that was the case.   Trent adds.

-  Alright, are we done now?

His teammates laughed seeing his annoyed expression, all raising their hands in the air in a sign of peace.


ATHENAREYNOLDS, drop your book recommendations in the comments please, i'm out of books! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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ATHENAREYNOLDS, drop your book recommendations in the comments please, i'm out of books! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

liked by blakelively, elyakinney, judebellingham and 1 294 371 others.

user1, so you're one of those people who annotate like that?
athenareynolds, i in fact am😔😔

user2, they both die at the end
athenareynolds, yeah but i don't wanna cryyy

masonmount, the little hearts and stuff are really cute tbh
athenareynolds, :)
masonmount, i apologize in advance for jude's comment

walkerreynolds, i know one called "can you ask for McDonalds tonight pls?"
athenareynolds, WE ATE IT LAST NIGHT

judebellingham, there's a book called "can we see each other when i'm in america?"☺️☺️☺️☺️
athenareynolds, i'm this 🤏🏻 close to calling the police bellingham
marcusrashford, you deserved this mate tbf😭


xochilt, thena's wife
athena, xo's wife
percy, stoned mf
jenna, the dwarf
caleb, the brains
sadie, ginger mf

thena's wife,

the brains,
this bitch has finally decided to answer the footballer😭😭

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