Chapter 3: New student

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   Adrein had been at a photo shoot that morning and when he got back home, he learned Felix was staying with them again for a while and his father was on a business trip. Felix apologized for what he did and explained to adrein what he was trying to do and why he did it. Adrein being his loving self forgave his cousin and reassure him it was okay. that he meant well but just went about things in the wrong way. 

 Then later that day Felix enrolled at Adrien's school and made sure to get all of his classes. Marinette walked in shortly after taking her usual spot, as miss bustier took attendance. When it was recreation time Felix and Marinette stayed behind to give him a tour of the school when in reality they waited for Mrs bustier to be alone.

Then they struck! They teleported her away before Marinette and Felix gave her a piece of their minds. Miss Bustier groaned as she woke up.

" where am I?" miss bustier asked

" nowhere, but where we put you," Felix said as Marinette joined from behind him.

" it's time to tell you the truth you've been needing to hear. As well as for justice. For your failure as a teacher." Marinette said

" failure? How have I failed?" miss bustier said in shock.

" HOW HAVE YOU FAILED?!" Marinette screamed in fury, and Felix scowled at miss bustier.

" you have told me every time to be the bigger person! Even when my work was ruined, my sketches, my clothes, my homework, even my handmaid gift to YOU! You may be kind and considerate yourself but you expecting everyone to be the same is ridiculous. 

  Chole has bullied me for years yet you nor the principal do anything about it, you let her get away with things time and time again. Destroying my work, stealing my homework, pushing me downstairs! Then believing Lila over me, when you know! I would have never done such a thing!

You may be nice, but sometimes nice doesn't cut it! Letting the bullies get Scott free doesn't help me or anyone else! It teaches them they can get away with it! It makes them pick on me more. Do you not know how many times I thought of KILLING MYSELF?!" Marinette screamed

Miss bustiers eyes widden in shock

" I-i didn't know it was this bad~," she said

" HOW COULD YOU NOT?" Felix yelled " she came to you time and time again. About chole, Lillia, and other students taking advantage of her. yet you did NOTHINg. Your strategy only works in preschool and kindergarten. After that it's useless. Being a role model works when kids are young and do things out of pettiness. 

 Then forgiving works. However when teens are making up rumors, defacing a student's property, and harassing them in the halls. It's no longer just mean words! It's abuse, and you let it happen, you practically shield them from Marinette always guilt-tripping her in order to let it continue. It's no wonder she has suicidal thoughts, trauma, PTSD, and anxiety. She takes pills every day to just get out of her bed!"

Miss bustier was now crying at the news, Marinette the star student had thought of taking her own life!

" you mare care for your students, but being a nice teacher is a teacher that can protect kids. Cruel to be kind. If you stood up to chole told her why her behavior was unacceptable and showed her how to get proper help and attention. Then Marinette's situation wouldn't be nearly as bad as it is.  

You're the teacher it's your job to set an example! Not the student, you're supposed to show how to be nice and love. It was never her job in the first place yet the moment you elected her, she was abused by her peers and you just let it happen. How many times did kids get free professional clothes and food? How many times did Marinette solely plan and run a fundraiser and party?

You made Marinette an adult! She never asked to be an assistant teacher, yet that's what she became because of you!" Felix said glaring at her

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry~" miss bustier begged

" no your not. You saying that because you know I could hurt you. You wouldn't apologize had I just confronted you! You preach about forgiveness, but do you know what sorry even is?" Marinette sneered walking around her

" what should we do now?' Felix asked Marinette

" Now, we're going fix her. Then we're going trap her in her own personal hell," Marinette said pulling out a thread and needle. She stuck the needle and thread into miss Bustier's face forcing her to always smile. Then she sewed a small smiley face, onto her collarbone.

Felix handed her the syringe and she stuck something into miss bustiers head. The teacher blacked out. When the break was over miss bustiers was seen weighting on her chalk board humming a small show tune.

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