Chapter fourteen: The nightmares and cuddles

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((Marshall's P.o.v))
I held the sleeping prince tightly, protectively, damn near possessively if one were to see us. I narrowed my eyes, scanning the area as I floated at a more leisurely pace so he would be more comfortable and so I could relax a bit. No one was looking for us, nor was anyone around so I assumed it was safe. Besides, I would kill anyone who tried to take Gumball away from me. I cared a lot for him, believe it or not. Okay, yeah I tease him and mess with his head but it is fun! He is easy to mess with, and I know all the ways to get under his skin and drive him insane. I chuckle lightly at the thought, but the chuckle is caught in my throat as Gumball's light trembling turned to actual shaking. Sweat dotted his forehead and he would let whimpers escape his lips. Oh Gob, what was wrong? Was he sick? I held him with one arm and felt his forehead. "No fever.." I mutter out loud and soon float into my house, holding him closer to my body. Tears soon were running down his face, what w- Oh, a nightmare, of course. I sit on my (Horribly uncomfortable) couch and lay Gumball down. His upper torso laying in my lap. I run my slender fingers through his soft pink hair and frown. "Gumall, wake up. Come one..." I mutter this worriedly, shaking his shoulder lightly. Gumball let a few raspy words leave his lips "Please..dont leave me..." I blinked, staring at him. I shook him one last time and he jolted awake, sitting up. His body trembled terribly, like a leaf. "M-Marshall?" He choked out softly, soon flinging his arms around me and burying his face in my chest. "Hey, Hey it's okay. It was only a nightmare..." He sniffled softly and whimpered, slowly looking up at me. Tears in his bright eyes. "It was so real, you said you were only doing this as a joke, to prove that I was a gullible joke..You said horrible, horrible things.." My heart broke at this (but, I am already dead so it shouldn't--Oh nevermind)did he really think i would hurt him like that? "Gumball, listen to me. You know that it was a dream, I won't hurt you. I love you alright?" I smiled lightly and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. He smiled a bit, relaxing at my words. "Okay, I am sorry for overreacting.." I shook my head "Don't apologize. You should get some sleep. I will too." I smile and picked him up once more, floating up to my bedroom and laying him in my bed softly, treating him like a glass doll. (Lets be honest, he sorta is) I laid down by his side, and he curled up against my chest, yawning as I wrap my arms around him. Before he fell asleep he spoke "And...I love you too Marshall.." And with that he was out like a light, a small smile on his sleeping face. I placed a soft, chaste kiss to my sleeping Prince's lips before closing my eyes, and drifting off to a dreamless sleep.

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