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Materialistic gifts may make you smile, but the gifts made up of special moments drive you towards serenity

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Materialistic gifts may make you smile, but the gifts made up of special moments drive you towards serenity. Materialistic gifts get categorised according to preciousness. Measure of pleasure was there more than peace. The gifts other than those may hold the least cost, but can't be beatable in terms of care anyone can possibly present in materialistic gifts.

After opening the letter Subhadra was amused by the content of letter. She didn't expect such a present. No wonder that some words can worth occasions like nothing else can.

Content of the letter:


Many many happy returns of the day to you. Today's the day when the divine aura of peace, you had come to this earth to grace my life in future. I really don't think that any materialistic gift can worth this occasion. That's why presenting some memories to you.

"Oh Lord, accept the greeting of your service giver,"

These are the words I heard from you at first when we met. I was highly impressed by your approach.

"Everyone is an embodiment of duties dedicated to them by destiny. So, more than myself I ask forgiveness for my misdeeds,"

It was what you answered on that day when you had entered into my hut in hurry, and I didn't wear my upper stole.

"I miss our time, but that can't be my misery. Because our time isn't my habituation to bind me. It's the part of my happiness which can bless me even if we are distanced,"

You were busy in financial week, and we were getting less time with each other. One day I had asked you that don't you miss our time. You replied exactly like this. I remember your each word.

I was in doubt that whether you could accept my three marriages or not, whether you could share me, my time with my wives or not. You wiped off that doubt with your simple words. I felt so relaxed on that day after hearing you.

"Each stone in sea has their own depth,"

I asked a question that can someone be blamed for an incident without being involved in that just because he belongs to a favourable place.

I was tormented on that day remembering the incident of Eklavya. Though I didn't have any part in his finger being cut I was blamed for that. Your words made me free from the years long guilt, claiming to myself that I am not at fault.

"Leaving of sun happens for being returned. You may not return, but your memories will rise in my life each day, brighter than before, brighter than before to be held,"

How can I forgot this epic statement! Through this you confessed your love for me indirectly.

I cherish your words to no ends. Those are the bliss of my life without having any precedence of pain on way of reaching to them.

I love you, Subhi.

These memories aren't your only gifts. I have a proposal which can be turned into gift for lifetime if you accept that.

Till the time I continue my year with Draupadi I wanna explore your personality more and more. So, do you accept my proposal to start our post marital courtship?

In wait of your answer
Yours arya

"Arya asked this to me! He wants this!" It was her reaction after reading the letter.

"So, what did you decide?" After a short time of being surprised Subhadra heard a voice which was of Arjun's.

"What happened? Why are you staring at me like this?" He went near her, and stood in front of her.

"Actually..... I..... Means.....," She was stammering with the words she wanted to speak.


"The letter was amazing. The best one I have received till now,"

She hugged him tightly in extreme happiness. He too pulled her more to him to feel her lips on his heart closely. Understanding his wish she pecked on his bare chest softly making him close eyes to that sensation.

"What about my proposal? Do you agree for post marital courtship?" He was eager to hear her yes.

"I had no idea about pre marital courtship in which we both engaged. It was intentional from your side, but I was unknown to that. So, I don't wanna miss this chance," She answered lifting her head from hug.

"Really, that courtship was such an injustice to you," Saying so Arjun laughed following by Subhadra.

"Didn't you bring anything else for me?" She questioned paying him back the surprised feeling which she had sometimes ago due to him.

"Actually I didn't. I thought not to add materialistic gifts with my special gifts. So.....," He was scratching forehead out of embarrassment.

"Absolutely right you did. I love your this thought," She smiled making him join her.

"What about me? Do you love only my this thought, not me?" He complained like she did when he had praised her sensibility for wearing attire of a commoner to win Draupadi's affection.

"We didn't even start post marital courtship yet. So, I can't answer that question of yours," Her words killed his expectation of hearing I love you from her.

"I loved you as disguised sage. Loving you as a husband is still about to start, about to reach at it's peak," She spoke noticing his disappointment over her words.

"But in my case loving you as a wife has started already after what you did to convince Draupadi," He pecked on her forehead gently.

"Actually I too started loving you as a husband after your way of making my birthday special," He flashed a surprised gesture at her.

"Looks like you don't wanna be at my back. That's why when I told I started loving you as a wife you too repeated the same, right?" Surprised gesture turned into a suspicious one towards her.

But they ended up laughing again. The pleasant session of staring at each other lasted for short when both embraced each other again to live the essence of that day.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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