Chapter 10

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I took out my phone from my pocket and called a taxi, I was going home, I couldn't be here anymore. Both Ethan and Kylian had betrayed me. I thought that especially Kylian was different but I was wrong, he is a stupid heartbreaker. Of course he didn't like me, why would he? Im just a normal teenage girl and he is one of the best football players in the world. How could I be so stupid and think that someone like him would like me. 

When the taxi arrived I sat down and I just couldn't wait to be home in my own bed and cry out. I was gonna take the next available plane home. I arrived at the airport and went inside and booked a plane, I had to wait until tomorrow before the plane took off. I took out my pillow and putted it on a bench and then I laid down. I was so tired of all this so I fell asleep. 

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