In The Middle Of The Night

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It was her own fault.

She had noticed the nail stuck in her tyre ages ago, but had been in too much of a rush to do anything about it and then she had just forgotten about it.

Now it was cold, dark, and pouring down with rain and she was stuck on the side of the road changing her tyre.

As she opened the boot and checked her spare tyre she was relieved to find that it was okay. It would've been expensive - and embarrassing - if she ended up having to call a repair shop just for a flat.

Here she encountered her first problem. She loved her car, it was a present from her late grandfather, but it was a beast. A beast with giant - and therefore heavy - tyres.

While she struggled to manoeuvre the tyre out of its storage place, she decided then and there that she needed to do more arm days at the gym.

She was doing quite well and nearly had the thing out, she just needed to get it on the ground.


Before she could crumble under the weight of the tyre, it suddenly got a lot lighter.

"Need a hand?"

A deep voice resonated through the rain from behind her. She glanced over her shoulder and saw someone dressed in leather and wearing a motorcycle helmet. 

She moved out of the way and the motorcyclist lifted the tyre and placed it on the ground. She didn't know whether to pout or drool at how easy they had made it look. 

"My saviour! Thank you so much! You have great timing."

"Do you need me to change it for you?"

"Well, since you're offering..."

"Here, can you hold this?"

Holding her hands out for the helmet, it barely registered as it was given to her, she was too focused on the face that it had been hiding. Her saviour was hot. As in, it wasn't every day that you saw someone who looked like him unless they were a celebrity.

She tried not to stare too much as the helpful stranger started working on her car. To stop herself from getting too creepy, she focused her attention on what he was doing and noticed that the guy was obviously skilled. Even if he was only changing a tyre.

"You're a mechanic."

"What makes you say so?"

"I can tell the difference between someone who just knows how to change a tyre and someone who does it for a living. I'm a mechanic too."

He looks up at her with a questioning frown.

"Then why am I changing your tire for you?"

"You offered, and I never say no to help from a handsome guy."

She grinned down at him and he just shook his head as he continued to work.

"What made you choose a car like this? Or should I say truck?"

"Why? I can handle a big boy."

"I'm not so sure. It nearly had you flat on your back."

"I don't mind being on my back."

His small smirk let her know that her meaning hadn't gone unnoticed.

"Why don't you get in the car? Even if it wasn't raining you'd be frozen in that outfit."

She picks at the material of her very short skirt as she looks down at it in distaste.

"It's my work uniform."

"What kind of shop makes you wear that instead of overalls?"

"Haha. Unfortunately, woman mechanics are not in very high demand, or any demand really. This, is for the only job I could find."

"Which is?"


He raises an eyebrow as he looks over her outfit.

"What? At a bar?"

"Pretty close. Let's just say it's not family-friendly. Suppose it could be worse though."

For the first time, she looked vulnerable and sad. Apparently, he couldn't resist this damsel in distress.

"How good are you?"

"Extremely, but at what?"

Her lips were curled in a smirk, but her eyes were narrowed and wary.

"As a mechanic?"

She was surprised and relieved at the direction of his questioning.

"Uh, top of my class. Much to the rest of the class's iyre. Boys."

He stood up after tightening the last bolt.

"Come to Liberty Walk tomorrow."

"What's that?"

"It's my family's repair shop. Show me your skills and if you're as good as you say you are... I'll offer you a job."

"You'll what? Seriously?! Oh my, I mean... Thank you. I look forward to working with you."

He held out his hands and took back his helmet.

"Don't get ahead of yourself."

"Oh, I'm not. Prepare to be amazed."

He shook his head and started walking back to his bike as she shouted after him.

"See you tomorrow! Hey! What's your name?"

All she heard in reply was the storm.

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