I Crave Your Taste

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Lana and Phayu watched as Prapai raced around the track. The racer was always good, but his friend could tell that he was showing off in front of his female mechanic. And the look on her face made Phayu want to do the same.

"I can race too."

The words rushed out of Phayu's lips before he could stop them. He could tell that Lana was impressed by Prapai and he didn't like the way that knowledge was making him feel.

She looked up at him with wide excited eyes.

"Really? Have you ever raced P'Prapai?"

"For fun, yes."

"Who wins?"

Phayu tried not to look too smug as he answered.


"I knew it! No one can never lose."

"Prapai's never lost an official race... Because I prefer fixing bikes to riding them."

Lana laughed and shook her head.

"You two are as bad as each other. I've never met anyone with such big egos. Well, none that could back it up, anyway. Will you show me your skills today too?"

Phayu's dark eyes gazed down at her and Lana felt her heart speed up.

"Perhaps, if you ask nicely."

Her mouth went dry but she was saved from responding by Prapai interrupting. She turned away from Phayu and focused on the racer as he took off his helmet. His smile shined brightly like the sun distracting Lana from her embarrassment.

"What did you think?" 

Lana shrugged.

"Is that all you've got?"

Instead of being put off, Prapai just looked amused.

"So hard to please. Are you ready for your turn?"


After a lesson on the basics, Lana had gotten the hang of it and tried a slow lap around the track.

While keeping his eyes on Lana, Prapai spoke to Phayu.

"What are you doing, Phayu?"

"Watching Lana learn to ride."

"You know what I mean. Why did you invite yourself along?"

"You used to always be asking me to hang out with you."

"Not when I'm trying to win over a girl."

"You don't usually need to win them over."

Annoyed, Prapai turned to face Phayu.

"You said that you weren't interested in her."

"No, I didn't."

"When I asked if you wanted me to back off, you said -"

"- I said, do what you want."

Prapai studied his friend for a moment, his expression didn't give a lot away as usual, but they had been friends a long time.

"Phayu... This is just another fling for me. I want a relationship with her. I won't, I can't step aside for you."

"I'm not asking you to."

"But you like her."

"I've never met anyone like her."

The pair were silent for a moment as they watched Lana get closer.

"So where does this leave us?"

"We'll see who she chooses."

"And no hard feelings."

"No hard feelings."

They nodded at each other before walking over to where Lana was pulling over.

Prapai smiled widely at her.

"You're a natural, Lana! You'll be an expert in no time."

Lana smiled back and by now they both recognised the mischievous glint in her eye. 

"Oh, I'm already an expert rider. Just not of bikes."

The men watched her ride off for another lap with jaws dropped.

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