|+| Poison Juice |+|

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You walked into a tunnel and a little green man handed you a disk that read 98. You took it and nodded thanks before pinning it to your shirt. You look around to take a look at the competition. You saw a creepy clown guy with strange hair and blood lust coming from him and made a mental note to stay away from him. You saw a creepy pin man get in a corner with a strange aura and noticed that he wasn't there before. More people have arrived then, You thought. then a man approached you with orange cans in his hands. 

"Names Tonpa!" He told you as he reached you "you're a rookie, right? this is my 34th attempt" 

You nod. He says it as if he's proud, you scoffed in your head. 

"What's your name?" he asks

"(Y/n)" you reply after considering a moment whether to tell or not.

"Well how about a toast to our new friendship!" he says while handing you a can.

Even before you take a sip you know that there is a Laxative in the drink. You took a sip and looked at him smirking. "You know- it's to bad poison doesn't work on me,"

He looked at you with shock on his face but you turned away while sipping on the can. You gave a glance back and noticed a kid that looked around your age with white fluffy hair chugging down multiple cans. You fought back a laugh at the sight of Tonpa's face when the boy walked away in your direction.

"You know there is a Laxative in that, right?" He asks as he approaches you.

"I'm aware," you respond with amusement seeing how much he is drinking. 

He must have seen you eye the many cans he was holding because he told you, "Don't worry poison doesn't work on me," you guys sat there for a bit in an awkward silence before he said, "I'm Killua, whats your-?" he was cut off by a tall man who announced himself as the examiner of the first faze, Satoz. Upon his instructions you all started running after him although Killua was on a skate board and you were jogging. 

After the pace got put up a bit a man who wore a suit while holding a brief case and looked to be in his 30's started to yell at Killua,   "You're cheating, this is a test of endurance!" You rolled your eyes before a boy who looked about 12 with green hair told him, "He only said to keep up, so he isn't cheating, Leorio" The man, Leorio, just scoffed.

"I'm Gon," The kid told them, "this is Leorio and Kurapika" He gestured to the man and a blond boy who looked younger than Leorio but older than the others.

"I'm Killua," Killua responded. "and I never got your name" he added looking over at you.

"I'm (Y/n)," You replied.

"So are you guys 12 too?" Gon asked looking at you and Killua.

"Yup," you both responded.

Killua did a trick to jump off his skate board before announcing, "I think I'll walk for now,"

You all started to go up stairs, then Kurapika and Leorio fell behind while Gon, Killua, and yourself raced to the end. You saw light and all bolted up, when you finished you squabbled over who had won before Satoz broke in saying you had tied. You all waited for the rest of the crowd to join you at the outside of the tunnel, you met up with Kurapika and Leorio as Satoz was telling everyone about staying with him and the dangers of the swamp when he was cut off by a man holding a monkey with a similar face to Satoz. 

"He isn't your examiner," He yelled, "I am!"

These Idiots, you thought. and after Satoz was just telling us about creatures wanting to trick us and eat us. You thought before playing cards were thrown and just missed your face.

|+| And who could those belong to? |+|

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