The Late Late Show with Harry Styles

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The Late Late Show was filmed the day Sebastian and Bri had the argument. It's been a couple of days since then. Bri was staying at a hotel, still has not heard from Sebastian or Chris.

Anthony and her occasionally text.

Today was the day the show was airing. A few days before the premiere of Captain America: Civil War.

Anthony Mackie arrived at Sebastian's place with a bag of popcorn, Peanut Butter M&Ms and a 6 pack of beer.

"Hey man" Mackie greets Sebastian as he invites him in.

"You look like shit" Mackie chuckles. Sebastian's hair was messed up, looked like he's slept in those same clothes, and under eye dark circles were starting to form. Mackie looks around at the empty beer bottles and take out boxes. Sebastian isn't messy so it was shocking to Anthony.

He sees half a bottle of tequila on the table. "Are you drunk?" He asks Sebastian.

"No" he says taking a beer and throwing himself on the couch. "At least not today" he adds taking a sip of the beer. Anthony sits across from him and sighs. "You haven't cleared things up with Bri?" He asks.

Sebastian rolls his eyes. He stands up and ignores Anthony. "Did you eat?" Sebastian asks him. "Yeah, did you?" Anthony responds.

"No," Sebastian says opening the fridge. It's empty. "I'm going to order a pizza, you want anything?" He asks taking his phone out of his pocket. Anthony shakes his head.

After a few minutes of awkward silence and Anthony now feeling bad for Sebastian. The pizza arrives. Anthony doesn't even feel like watching the show with him anymore, Sebastian is actually hurt about this.

"I think I'm going to cancel some interviews." Sebastian tells Anthony as he takes a bite of his pizza. "No, come on man, you'll be with me" Anthony smiles.
"I can't, I don't feel the energy to talk all day. If they ask a question about her... I can't" Sebastian says dropping his pizza back on the box.

"Talk to me, what's wrong?" Anthony asks.
"Everything, I fucked up and only pushed her toward him" he shakes his head, "You've seen their posts. They're always together now" he mutters under his breath.

"It's not your fault okay, I think you were both angry and said things you shouldn't have said. We all do that. It'll be ok." Anthony tries to make him feel better.

"Will it though? Because it's been days since we last spoke. We use to talk everyday. It's killing me. She's all happy posting about him and how much fun they have together" he huffs.

"Sebastian you know social media isn't always 100 percent true. You don't know how she feels." Anthony says.

Sebastian stands up "Clearly she is happy, she looks happy. He obviously makes her happy. I lOST HER!" he yells.

"You don't know that. You know she posts for her fans. I don't think-" Sebastian interrupts him "LOOK..." he turns his phone showing Anthony the picture of them together.

Anthony takes the phone from him. "Okay maybe you shouldn't be on social media at the moment" Sebastian takes it back and puts it in his pocket.

Sebastian sighs heavily and sits again on the couch dropping his hands on his sides. "It fucking hurts man, It hurts to think she's in someone else's arms doing who knows what." He drops his head back on the couch, closing his eyes.

Anthony sits next to him. "I can assure you, she's not doing anything, just talk to her" he says. Sebastian shakes his head. "I should let her be." He says weakly.

"Or you can call her right-" Sebastian interrupts. "Let it go. It's done" he yells.

Sebastian grabs the remote and turns on the TV. He's flipping through channels. Both their phones ring, they get a text from Chris. Sebastian drops the remote on a random channel taking out his phone. There's a commercial on.

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