1 - Tamaki's Friend

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(A/N: Hihihi! I have written other things before, but I've deleted them all. One was a Shuichi x Kokichi thing. I cringe every time I look back at my 2020 self. But anyways that you for checking out my book! I hope you like it! :))
My family isn't anywhere close to rich, but my best friend, Tamaki Suoh, sure as hell is. We met when we were both in middle school. I mean, we didn't meet at school though. I could never get into Ouran. I'm not rich, I'm not smart, I'm just pretty. I met him at a festival going on at the beach, abs things just sort of clicked from there. We exchanged numbers, and now we basically just hang out every single day off!

Last time we hung out, Tamaki was going on and on about his friend. Saying that I'd fall in love with him if I met him, how he was so smart, blah blah blah, you name it! He was begging on the floor of my bedroom, as I was painting. "Oh please, please, please Y/N! He's so amazing, you'll love him! I beg of you, miss/mister L/N please!"
"Hm..." I said, turning away from the masterpiece I was working on. "Maybe... fine! I will meet your friend."
His head immediately shot up from his state of despair. "You're not joking, are you?"
"I'm being serious, Tamaki. Go call your friend and see when he's free."
He'd stare at me blankly, slowly smiling. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you! This means so much, Y/N! I'll call him right now," He yelled out of nowhere, hugging me tightly.
"H-hey Tamaki, stop it! You'll ruin my painting!" I yelled right before he let go. He called him for a solid 10 minutes before telling me he was free on Saturday, and that we'd be going to a fast food place in a group. The closer we're getting to the day, the more excited I get! Eek!

The fast food place we ended up going to was called "Okinawa Burger". It clearly not just an Okinawa thing, we live in Tokyo. It's not the best either, but it's close to my house. So of course I'd go there. Today I was feeling like I should put a good first impression on Tamaki's friend, so I put on a little more makeup that I usually do. I also put on some ripped jeans and a t-shirt for my favorite band. I did my hair a little bit, and grabbed my bag for food. I'd sprint out, saying bye to my mom and locking the door.
I went into the doors for Okinawa Burger, looking around for Tamaki and his friend. I finally noticed him, running over to their table. It seems like he finally saw me too.
"See Kyoya! This is the infamous Y/N I was talking about. Isn't she great?" Tamaki grinned as I walked over.
"Hey Tamaki! So this is your friend, huh?" I put my hand out to shake his. "I'm Y/N, and you are..."
The guy stared at me, noticeably blushing a little. "Kyoya Ootori. Pleasure to meet you." He shook my hand, and I sat down. I saw there was already food on the table. Ever since I showed Tamaki this place, he's been in love for some reason.
I noticed Kyoya looking at me weirdly. "So, you must be a commoner, like Haruhi, huh?" He asked, adjusting his glasses.
"Who the hell's Haruhi?" I asked, confused.
"Oh, she's just another friend of mine in the host club at my school."
"I forgot you guys had a host club."
"Yea. Just so happens that Kyoya's in it too as the vice-president! I wish I could spend as much time with you as I did him, Y/N."
"Remember that there's always the future, Tamaki! You and miss L/N can spend time together when you're done with college," Kyoya joined in, glaring at him.
This Ootori guy looks to cute with those glasses. Makes me wanna know if he's just as cute without them! And I could never get enough of that black hair. I love it! I feel my face get a little hotter. "Y/N, are you going to eat?" Kyoya asked. Then he muttered something. "Or will you just admire me the whole time..."
I blushed a bit harder, shoving a few fries in my mouth. He smiled a little, fixing his glasses yet again. He can't help but look so dreamy every time he does it, no wonder he's a host!

The rest of the day goes on normally, with Tamaki budding in to say a few things. Me and the Ootori guy exchanged numbers, and I walked out of the store. I paused, looking back at the guys. Wait, Kyoya's one of the Ootori boys?! The big medicine company or some shit, right? You're telling he I just met one of them! This is a dream of the past, makes me wish I had money.
Kyoya's POV
Y/N walked out of Okinawa Burger, their hair a little messier. "So, what do you think of her?" Tamaki asked, clearly really interested.
"What do I think of the lady/las? Heh, they seem like one unique being. Wonder how they'd fit it at Ouran," I responded, taking one of the burgers Tamaki ordered.
"But Kyoya, they could never get into Ouran! They're not rich, not smart, all that's special about them is their appearance! According to themself, at least."
I'd chuckle a little bit. "A fine young lady indeed." I felt my face blushing a little more, taking another bite of my burger.
As soon as I got home, I face palmed in my F/C pillow. I didn't care if I got my makeup on it, I just felt embarrassed. It was so obvious, that Ootori could see right through me! He was so cute though, I can't! I hear my phone ringing. I slap my hand on my nightstand, picking it up. "Tamaki, is that you?"
"It sure is, Y/N. So, what do you think about Kyoya?"
"You mean the guy I just met?" I paused for a moment, thinking. "He's a cutie. He just looks so mysterious, I can't!"
"Well who wouldn't think that?" Tamaki said, laughing.
"Are you coming out as a homo on this call?"
"W-what?! No, of course not! What made you think that, Y/N?"
He's making it sound like he actually is a homo. "Whatever Tamaki, I'm hanging up."
Because can spit more trash out of his filthy mouth, I hang up my phone. I'd throw it back on my nightstand, withering in confusion. I new Tamaki's gonna start shipping us, I just know it!

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