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I opened the door, hearing the wood from the old building cry for help as it opened. I walked in the hotel room, closing the door behind me.

And there he was. The man who ruined my life.

Kilgrave was sitting on the couch, back facing me, sipping on a cup of tea. His hair was shorter than the last time I seen him, sleeked back. He was wearing a black suit with a purple tie, and he seemed way too calm for killing seven people today. But it was Kilgrave, so I wasn't surprised.

"Well if it isn't Lilith Grey." his British accent came out smooth and bone-chilling.

"Hard to ignore my name splattered in blood on the news." I muttered.

Kilgrave turned semi-towards me, moving his head for me to come.

I bit my lip, snatching the gun that was levitating next to me and putting it in my coat's pocket. I walked around the couch, watching his every move. Kilgrave took another sip of his drink, his eyes watching me with the same obsessive stare he had when I first saw him in my apartment years ago.

I sat down on the chair that was in front of him, looking at him in pure disgust and fear.

"I have missed you so much, Lilith Grey." Kilgrave smiled gently, heaving out a exasperated sigh before he reached over to touch my hand.

"It's actually Lilith Rhodes now." I stated, levitating a tea plate and smashing it against his hand to move away.

Kilgrave moved back and looked at me in a hint of annoyance. He shook the glass off his hand.

"I don't like this new you, Lilith." He hissed, looking at me intensely.

"Well I don't like that YOU are still alive." I snapped back. "Why are you still here?! Why are you still tormenting me?! Why can't you just die and go away?!"

Kilgrave looked at me and then chuckled lightly, a smirk on his face. He lifted up his teacup and took a sip. "Well you see, what you did to me only took a fracture of my heart. I was thankful to go into surgery and fix it, and I'm very much glad the process went well."

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "What will it be to leave me be. Because I will kill you if I have to."

Kilgrave stood up as well and walked towards me, looking down at me  before running his cold hand down my cheek. "What did I say to you at the police station in Pittsburg those years ago?"

I huffed, crossing my arms. "That you weren't going to leave me alone, not for a second, because I'm yours apparently." I answered mockingly.

"And that's right." Kilgrave smiled. "I will never leave you alone, Lilith Rhodes. Not for a second or minute. You are mine forever, and I don't give a shit about that ring on that finger. So you better get used to my face, because it will follow you everywhere you go."

I frowned and let out an exasperated sigh. Years ago I would have been terrified, but now it's just lowkey annoying, and creepy still. "Fine." I said looking up at him. "What do you suggest?"

"Well, I would have kidnapped you but that would be immensely boring. And trust me it is boring nowadays." Kilgrave said, sauntering around me. "We would have to do something different, since you now have these powers from what you stole from me." He said the last words with anger, and I took that as one success. "You and I must be allies, and you will have to prove to SHIELD I am not a threat."

"But you just killed seven people, including my ex-coworker." I said.

Kilgrave slapped my face. "Shut up. You wilk do this, or I will kill that little husband of yours."

I wiped my cheek. "Not if I kill you first."

"Then let the game begin." Kilgrave smirked.

We only stared at each other from there.

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