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It was the nighttime, and me, Quinn, and the rest of the Agents of SHIELD were sat all around the conference room, eating our takeout Chinese food, the conversation of me controlling my powers and gaining more ability all around the members. Me and Quinn sat at the end, listening to the agents bicker.

"So, Lilith." Fitz started, poking at his sweet and sour chicken and taking a bite. "With your new abilities what should we call you?"

I chuckled. "Uh, Lilith?"

"No no no like super name, like Daisy is Quake." Fitz' wife Jemma chimed in, staring at me intently.

I pursed my lips together, looking down at the ground, taking a egg roll and dipping it in plum sauce. "Hmm..." I thought.

"Maybe Levitate." Daisy suggested.

"No, that's too corny." Fitz replied pointing a fork at her. "You want her to be laughed at?"

"I don't know you come up with something better." Daisy replied with a huff.

Fitz crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows in thought. "Well shit I don't know."

"Exactly." Daisy nodded, going back to her food.

Jemma chuckled. "Quit arguing like children you two."

"Well she came up with the shit name." Fitz complained, before Daisy nudged his shoulder.

I shook my head playfully before glancing at Coulson who was looking in pure fatigue. I looked down at my plate of food before going in deep thought.

I don't know, what do I want to be remembered as? I thought. Something strong, something powerful.

"How about Silver Moon?" I suggested looking up at the team.

They all looked at me before Fitz starting clapping. "Yes amazing! We love that! Much better than Daisy's!"

"Oh shut the fuck up." Daisy said with a shake of her head. "It's a good name, Lilith."

"Very beautiful." Quinn added with a small smile. He leaned in giving me a kiss on the cheek before returning to his sesame chicken.

I nodded before leaning back, listening in to the conversations, Daisy and Fitz bickering, Coulson looking in disappointment, Jemma and Quinn talking, it seemed right. It seemed good. It was family, and they are my family now.

Tears started forming in my eyes and I looked down about to cry. Quinn turned to me, looking concerned.

"Are you okay, love?" He asked gently.

"Yeah." I nodded, seeing the agents turn to me. "It's just I haven't felt this comfortable and this happy in a long time." I started bawling.

"Oh, honey it's okay." Jemma said with a smile. "You're fine to act this way you have been living in fear all your life."

I nodded before wiping my tears. "Hopefully not anymore."

"And it won't be anymore." Coulson replied from the other end of the table.

We all turned to look at him.

"Kilgrave has went MIA ever since this morning." Coulson informed. "We have no idea where he is."

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "You've got to be kidding me... has me shoo'ing him away from my apartment scared him off?"

"I'm not sure." Coulson replied. "But we have all of your past locations on heavy guard if he tries something."

I turned to Quinn in annoyance. Kilgrave is really pissing me off.

It was then one of the SHIELD assistants ran in the room, looking frazzled as ever. The nametag said Melody on it.

Coulson looked up at her, raising his eyebrow in question.

"It's Kilgrave." Melody stuttered. "He's in the middle of Central Park, on a bench, but he's alone."

"Are you sure there isn't no one in the trees or a good distance away?" Coulson asked.

"No." Melody shook her head. "We checked. He's alone."

Quinn turned towards me. "Does he want Lilith to be there?"

Melody shrugged helplessly. Clearly she's clueless.

"We head now." Coulson said standing up. "Everyone clean your mess, maybe this night will be the last night Kilgrave is still alive."

I gulped before standing up, taking my boxes and plate. Who knows what lies ahead. 

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