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Ma'lani's POV

I woke up the next morning to my alarm blaring loudly. I quickly turn it off not wanting to wake my parents. I check the time to see that it's 5:30am. I groan loudly and roll out of bed. I leave my room quietly and make my way to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and complete my hygiene. I make it back to my room to see the time is 5:50am. I quickly get into something comfortable. I leave my room and enter the kitchen to see my mother awake. She notices my presence.

"Good morning Ma'lani." she says glancing back at me.

"Morning." I say sitting down at the table.

"So our flight leaves at 7 we should arrive at around 10. Our belongings are being flown over too. Have you packed everything you're taking?" she says setting my plate down in front of me.

"Yes I finished packing yesterday before dinner." I say digging into the food. "Is dad flying with us?"

"No he's taking a later flight after he wraps up some things at work." she says sitting down with her own plate. "He already left for work."

"Okay." I say continuing to eat my food.

For the next 20 minutes we eat our food silently. I get up to go throw my trash away and head back to my room.

"Ma'lani" my mother shouts out before I round the corner to my room. "Grab the things you're taking on the plane. We're leaving in 10 minutes."

Not responding I quickly go to my room and grab my phone, charger, and my overhead bag. I go into the living room to see her sitting on the sofa with her things.

"Our Uber is 5 minutes away." she says keeping her eyes glued to her phone.

I sit down on the couch across from her. 5 minutes pass quickly as she stands up abruptly gathering her things.

"It's here let's go." she says walking to the front door and opening it.

I stand up quickly with my things and walk out of the door. She quickly locks the door and walks up to the Uber at the end of our driveway.

"Andrea?" the guy driving the car asks her.

"Yup that's us." she says smiling happily at the man.

"Okay hop in." he says rolling his window back up.

We quickly get into the car. The drive to the airport was quiet with the exception of the soft music playing in the background. We quickly get out of the Uber thanking the driver and making our way to our gate. After about 15 minutes of waiting we finally board our flight.

Atlanta, GA to New York, NY

*3 hours later

We successfully landed in NY. It was around 10:30 by time we got there. We left the airport and got another Uber. It was taking us to our new place.

"Mom have you seen the house?" I ask glancing over at her.

"It's not a house. It's a really nice condo. I've seen it and it's beautiful. Your father worked hard for it so make sure you thank him." she says looking out the window.

A/N: y'all idk anything about ny so just imagine their place is a nice place thats not in the bronx

"I will." I say rolling my eyes while looking out the other window.

Finally we make to the building. It's a really nice on the outside. We quickly get out and head into the building. We take the elevator up to the 3 floor and make our way to our condo. Finally seeing the inside it's very beautiful. The view is great too.

"Mom can I pick my room." I say excitedly.

"Yeah whatever. The master bedroom is ours though." she says waving me off.

I quickly go and look around. I decide on the bedroom closest to the bathroom. It's already furnished with a bed and things of that sort. All I have to do is unpack when my luggage arrives. I decide I'm gonna go look around the building because I saw there was a lounge area. I leave my room to see my mom sitting on the couch fully immersed in her phone.

"Mom Im gonna go look around the building. I saw they had a gaming room." I say standing by the door.

"Okay whatever. Just be back before 6. That's when your father get home and Im cooking dinner." she says glancing at me.

I check the time to see that it's 11:30am

"Alright." I say opening the door and walking out quickly closing it behind me.

I start walking down the hallway towards the elevator. As I'm looking down at my phone someone bumps into roughly causing me to stumble back. After I regain my balance I look up to see a girl about the same height as me. She has long black wavy hair and looks to be of hispanic descent.

"Oh shit Im sorry." I say to her.

"You're good bro. Just watch out." she says standing up.

"Right." I say about to walk past her.

"Wait. What's ya name? I never seen you around here before." she says grabbing my shoulder and pulling me back.

"Ma'lani but just call me Lani. I just moved her from Atl." I say standing in front of her.

"Oh word. You seem cool lemme get your numba. I could probably show you around sometime. Im Amari." she says handing me her phone with a new contact open.

"Alright. Do you live here? Cause I don't know anything about the building and I heard there's a lounge." I say quickly typing my number into her phone.

"Nah I just came to see somebody. Im heading back to the Bronx right now actually." she says taking her phone out of my hand.

"The bronx. Ain't that the ghetto?" I say raising my eyebrows at her.

"Yeah I guess. But it's home." she says shrugging.

"Oh well I'll catch you later." I say walking off.

"Bet. Imma text you later." she yells out from behind me.

I quickly make my way to the elevator and go down to the first floor. I find the lounge. And, decide to chill in there for the rest of the day.

A/N: How y'all feel? Do y'all like dad? Do y'all like mom? How about Amari?

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