♡☆Pillow fight!!☆♡

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Imma spellcheck this tomorrow-

Anyways it is 1:44 rn and I started writing this at 12-


(Worldu fuccha staru pov)

I arrived home, exhausted, and unlocked the door to my house. I put on a happy facade for Saki but she saw right through it. "So you're just going to pretend you didn't show up at all tomorrow??" Saki started, but before I could even get a word out she hugged me tight.

"I was so worried!! Why didn't you come back home?" Saki said, it made me sick.. the fact she worried over me. However something else caught my interest..

"Huh? What do you mean 'why didn't I come back home'? Didn't Akito tell you?" I asked, today has been a beyond confusing day. "Hm? No? I didn't hear any word from Akito.." what she said confused me more,if that's even possible. "That's..weird. But I fainted last night, that's why I didn't show up. Im so sorry!!" I apologized, panicked. "Huh!? Now you're faintin-"

Before Saki could continue I assured her I was fine, she didn't fully buy it but brushed it off. And instead startled me when she hit me with a pillow. "Ow!! What was that for!?" I said in a dramatic tone, picking up another pillow from the sofa. "Woa wait!! You can't hurt a gir-" Saki couldn't finish that sentence, being that I struck her with another pillow. "Take that!" I shouted jokingly. She giggled and grabbed on to the pillow in my hand, surprisingly ripping it off my hands. "wha-" I was also cut off with a pillow to the face, instant karma I guess. "No mercy!!" She said holding on tightly to the pillow, I gave up.. that was until she said "Is that all it takes to beat the future star??" She looked at me, grinning, fully aware I wouldn't back down now

After an hour, or more, of pillow fighting (Saki came out victorious, I've raised her well tears in eyes) we eventually got tired and I set off to make dinner. I completely forgot about what happened earlier with Rui and the others. That was until I heard Saki call out from the living room

"Hey onii-chan?" Saki said "hm? What's up?" I asked

"Akito says he wants to meet up at the (name) arcade ,"

Hang out at the arcade?? That's strange....Maybe he just enjoyed spending time with me yesterday night? But we barely got anything done due to me fainting....Oh! That's it!! He probably feels guilty because I might've fainted due to the drink he gave me thats all!! I quickly responded,,

"—Sure tell him I'm free, I've not nothing better to do" I gave Saki a smile

I wasn't lying when I said I had nothing better to do.. I think it's best I give the others some time. Also just that I am too scared to confront Rui after running away and crying dramatically..

"Alright! He said he'll see you at 16:30 tomorrow" she said typing something in response "mhm.." I hummed back.

I turned away from Saki and paid full attention towards the food I was making for us. Our parents were out on a trip that we couldn't come with.. not that I'm complaining I much rather stay home with Saki and also stay for wonder..- nevermind...they constantly call to make sure Sakis alright. It gets annoying but it's nice they care about her.

I finished making some spaghetti, serving me and Saki a bowl and we settled on a movie to watch after a bit of bickering over what to watch.

Eventually it was time for bed and we both went to our rooms.

That's when..
The realization of what just happened with Rui hit me.
He was really mad at me.. it was scary. On top of that I ran away, which probably made him more mad. I- I don't even know what I did wrong..

Whatever, deal with that tomorrow!! For now just focus on getting sleep already!

I compiled with myself and closed my eyes. It took a while for me to finally catch some rest.




I woke up, in a dark place. The silence was killing me. I tried to speak but I couldn't.. so I found myself wandering.


Who's that?
I see a figure a few feet away from me.
Rui? Rui!?!
I tried to scream out but I couldn't. However, Rui(??) turned around. No doubt about it.. that's Rui. An angry look was plastered on his face. He started walking towards me, making me flinch a bit at the sudden movement

Rui?? Is that you?? I'm sorry!

I tried to say, but it was like someone had sewed my mouth shut.

Eventually Rui was inches apart from my face.. he raised his hand and slapped me. I winced, internally, putting my hand on my cheek by reflex. However Rui wasn't done. He just kept beating me up, yelling random things, clearly frustrated. All I could do was cry and attempt to get him off, which was futile.

Please stop!! I'm sorry! I am really-

A harsh punch to my face made my vision go blurry. I panicked as I could feel my breath get heavy and unsteady..







I woke up. It was a nightmare huh.. I could feel warm tears streaming down my face. I held my face in my hand and cried a bit more it felt so real.. like I was actually getting hurt...

After a bit of sulking I finally pulled myself out of bed. I completely forgot about school, and as soon as I looked over at the time I panicked

13:47 (he starts school at around 7)

Guess I'm not going to school then huh? How did I even sleep through all my alarms?? Did Saki forget to wake me up???

I get up and make my way into the kitchen, questions swarming my head. I looked up to see there was a note on the fridge,

You looked really sick when I went to wake you up, you were burning up a bit too. I'm calling in sick for you. The medicine is on the cabinet above the fridge. Please take some and get some rest onii-chan!

The note was obviously rushed, and there was also a rushed doodle at the bottom of the sticky note. Huh.. maybe it was just a fever dream, no, it was more of a nightmare. A very bad one..

But 'hey! At least I won't have to deal with school..!'
I thought to myself trying to be optimistic.

I don't want to sleep though.. just the thought of sleeping again makes me want to throw up

What if I get another nightmare?? It's fine I'm not sick, I've gotten plenty of rest and should probably get breakfast or something..!

After all I have to meet up with Akito soon..


Im not sure if the pillow fight is considered fluff but I still added the ♡

I got Tsukasa but no Mizuki on the new jp banner 💔

Ok I need to sleep now these eye bags are getting worse Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)

(Also sorry for not updating for so long I'm back now I think)

[Words: 1208]

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