☆♡What happened?!♡☆

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TW: Mentions of abuse and SH (also homo)

(Tsukass Pov)

"What do you mean 'I'm sorry?' Rui, what happened?!" I looked up at him worried and he exchanged a saddened look. "..can we go somewhere more private?" I went quiet, I was going to request my house but my parents might be there.. "..or just anywhere but here." He backtracked a bit and nudged me. Fuck it.

"Let's go to my house, but please, tell me why you're all bruised up." I said, although I had an idea already I didn't want to assume. Rui hesitated as we started walking. He was walking very fast, leaving me to catch up with him. A few minuets passed and nothing, we were nearing my house. "So?" I questioned, not backing down. Rui sighed and finally obliged "I..well, my dad hasn't been in the best mood recently." He started "..." surely not. "I think he needs a break...from me." Rui looked away and my house was starting to come into view. I waited for something more to be said but instead he stayed quiet.

I let it go as we were practically in front of my house already, and my heart returned to a normal rate as there were no cars parked in the driveway and the garage wasn't open.

I looked at Rui and opened the door leading him to my room. "stay here please, I'll be back.." I said and rushed downstairs to get a first aid kit along with some water and chips.

It was a bit of a hassle carrying all that up the stairs, I was also a little light headed from the lack of food since I barely even took a bite out of my lunch. I opened the door to my room once again and headed straight to Rui.

"Tsukasa.." He started but stopped himself. I ignored what he said "Do you have anything under that sweater?" I asked opening the first aid kit. "Mhm." he hummed and took it off reluctantly. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt under it.

Without thinking I pulled up his sleeves and he panicked trying to push me away. However I had already managed to expose his arms..

Scars apon scars were scattered across his arms, at first I didn't think much of it. I was extremely angry at Ruis father and made it evident on my face. But, Rui seemed to have taken it the wrong way, he thought I was mad at him..

"I'm sorry! I promise I wont e-"

"Sorry for what?! Rui, it's not your fault!"

My tone of voice raised and he flinched a little. "...sorry" I said taking out some bandages. I took a closer look at his scars. That's when I realized,

They seemed like they were self inflicted, not to mention there were some that were clearly older than the others. It suddenly clicked why Rui got so apologetic. "Wait.." I looked up at Rui who had a pained face on.

(Ruis Pov)

He looked up at me, finally putting the pieces together..please let this be a bad dream. I don't want to be here. I don't want him to see this. I want to leave. I felt myself start to panic and I tried to steady my breathing, it wasn't easy though as I could feel Tsukasa's gaze on me. I pulled my arm out of his grasp and tried to get away.

However to my surprise, he hugged me tightly.




"huh?" I let out as my breathing got a bit heavier. It only shocked me more when I heard a small sob come from him. "How long have you been...?" he cut himself off digging his face into my shoulder. My heart dropped. I felt warm tears trail down my face as I eventually hugged him back.

We stayed like that for a bit until Tsukasa suddenly pulled away and grabbed some bandages. He didn't say a word and I was starting to think he was disappointed in me. He bandages both my arms up with an annoyed expression on his face.


"Tsukasa, I truly am sorry.." I started as he grabbed a random ice pack out of who knows where setting it on my bruised eye and sighing. I whined at the sudden cold feeling, ew. "Rui I'm not mad at you,"
"Are you sure? You seemed annoyed.." I said cutting him off without thinking. "I'm mad at your dad." He said placing a final bandaid on my cheek.

He let out a small sigh and hugged me again. "Did you leave anything important back at your house?" He asked. "No," I said resting my head on his head, holding onto the ice bag be gave me. "..please don't go back then." He said burying his face in my shoulder again. I could feel his frown. "you don't have to tell me twice.." I said.



"..he's leaving this week." I said. "Huh??" Tsukasa perked his head back up. "my dad, he said he was going to leave me alone and stop paying for the house." Tsukasa frowned a bit and leaned back in. "I wish I could just have him put in jail." Tsukasa said and I giggled a bit. Being around him was enough to make me forget all my struggles.

"I'll ask my parents if you can stay for a bit, until we get this all sorted out you know?" He smiled and sat up. I couldn't help but smile back, I got a bit teary eyed too. "That sounds great..!" I said. He gave a cute grin and ranted a bit on how he would postpone the show so I could remake the props and all that.

"Thank you so much.." I cut him off, my voice was shaky, which I cringed at a bit. "It's...no problem really." He said looking straight at me. He stared for a while..

"I love you,"

My brain stopped.. he what- "you're the best director any star could ask for, really you're a great friend" he said. Hah friend. I felt disappointed, did I really just get friend zoned??

(Tsukasa Pov)

"I love you," I didn't realize what I said, I just impulsively blurted out the first thing that came to mind. As soon as I realized what I just said I caught myself. "you're the best director any star could ask for, really you're a great friend" I said quickly and hid my face. He smiled, complimenting me back but I was too caught up on what I just said. Why was I so worked up over it?? It was just an accidental 'I love you'.. that doesn't have to be in a romantic way. So why is my face all red..?

However I was snapped out of it when Rui suddenly hugged me, resting his face on my shoulder.. wait.





He was crying.. he was crying!? "Huh!? Rui what's wrong??" I pulled away to look him in the eyes. "I'm sorry.. I'm just really happy to have meet you," Rui forced a smile, clearly there was something else he was crying because of.. "Rui.."

I swear I don't know what took over me, I cupped his face and kissed him. I wasn't thinking. It was a quick peck but my heart started beating fast and what I just did hit me like a truck. "I- I'm sorry I don't know why-!" He leaned back down and kissed me again. My eyes widened and I gave into the kiss.

I pulled away and stared blankly. At that moment nothing mattered, I wasn't worried about the past or the future, I was just centered on the present time. wait..DID I JUST KISS A BOY!? No not any boy RUI?? I must've made a face because Rui giggled. I looked back up at him confused.


"wait does this mean.." I started "that I like you? yea..." Rui said. I felt like a literal arrow was shot through my heart, I looked down and muttered "I like you too.." "what was that?" Rui said and tilted his head teasingly. "I like you." I said more clearly. He laughed and I wiped some of his tears off. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.. not to mention it was probably around 18:00 and I was already ready to fall asleep. Rui smiled and laid back
into the bed. I followed.

We cuddled for a bit, I've never felt so warm and fuzzy. Eventually I drifted to sleep. Completely forgetting about my parents and my sister, just focused on that very moment only.

"I love you Rui."


"I love you too kasa"


I've posted two times in one night what is my life.

This was meant to be a draft but I sped ran it into another chapter. So sorry for any spelling mistakes.


Gn Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)


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