Austin(pool party)

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Austin and Y/N spent weeks planning a pool party for them and their friends. Y/N prepared all of the food and drinks while Austin prepared all of the invitations and fun activities. Today, Y/N was just preparing their swimming outfit a few hours before the party.

"Hey, Austin?" Y/N shouted behind the door. "Yeah?" Austin was on the opposite side of the door, having no idea what their swimsuit looks like. Then, Y/N opens the door, revealing their swimsuit. "D-Do you think this looks good on me...?" Y/N said shyly. Not even half way through their sentence, Austin's nose was already bleeding. "H-Huh!?" Y/N gets caught by surprise seeing Austin's bloody nose.

"It looks great, darling." Austin said, wiping up his face. Y/N lets out a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad you like it. I would've been worried if you hated what I was wearing. I spent a lot of money on this..."

"You look beautiful in everything, sweetie." Austin reassured. "I should get ready as well, the guests should be here any minute now." Austin then goes into the room Y/N changed in. Y/N steps out of the room and lets Austin change. They wait outside until Austin comes out wearing a pair of swim trunks. The swimsuit itself wasn't all that exciting, but seeing Austin shirtless made Y/N want to kiss him more than they already do all of the time.

Finally, an hour later, all of the guests showed up, Sam and Kyle came along with their parents, Todd, Mike, and Henry came along as a group, as long as some other guests such as relatives or more distant friends.

All of them had a lot of fun at the party. Austin and Y/N did a lot with each other, with the fun activities Austin set up in public, with their own little activities in private. Nobody in the party were so much in love with anyone else as much as Austin and Y/N. Everyone there could agree that those two were a match made in heaven. In fact, none of them would be surprised if they ended up having a family one day. They could only wish that they could one day find that special someone like they had. If only there could be any better couple.

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