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Next day.....

I done my morning routine.

And went to college

When I going , jimin came beside me with his dashing expensive car . I shocked .

Jimin asked me "hey jenny ,come I will drop you to college".

I said "it's ok i will go myself "

Jimin :- No it's ok come .

Jenny :- ok then .

I asked myself that " why my face heathen up"

Jimin saw me and asked " why are you sweating ? Are you having fever "

I said " No, it just because tiredness"

Jimin:- ok then shall we go

Jenny :- ya

Ya when I saw him , he is in blazer. He looking so hot in that . I staring him continuously.

He asks "Why are staring like that ? Am I looking hot ? "

I blushed and my face become like a red tomato.

I faced down to my thighs and said that " aaa... Nothing 😅" i nodded.

He is No.1 in flirting.

We arrived to college.all students are staring at me and jimin . Also they shocked when they see jimin in blazer .

 Also they shocked when they see jimin in blazer

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All girls fallen for him. Because he looking so hot in that .

And also me 😅🤦 . I can't do anything

When I entered in class all are staring me . I blushed and sit on my bench.

After all classes it's time to go to jimin office. I came out of the college to street .

I seen jimin waiting for me to pickup to his office.

He came to me and said " are you tried" . I nodded "No " .

We are in car . He drives to his office.
We entered in his office. It is so tall building and the interiors so beautiful .

He told to all employees that " from now see is my secretary. So all give her respect".

Then shows my office room.
It so beautiful and clean. I Love it . It is straight to jimin s office room.
And also he can see me from his room.

He said "you like it?"

I nodded "yes , it is so beautiful"

Jimin :- ok then you change you dress . I bought a new dress for you .
You can change dress there.

He shows his private room.

I entered in . It is so beautiful i like it

 It is so beautiful i like it

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I closed the door. He waiting for me outside.

I dressed .
I looking fine in this dress . It beautifully fits on me .

Seriously , jimin choice in dress is so good.

I looking like

I said myself "it perfectly suits me

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I said myself "it perfectly suits me . How he knows my size? Ok whatever"

I came to outside. He seen me and he shocked 😲 . He said "you looking gorgeous in this , it is perfect"

I blushed...

I said "can we start the work"

He said " yes"

He gives me a list of events and Meetings and Said " create a shedule for it , within 8:30pm . Hhaa.. and also bring me 1 cup of expresso".

I nodded and gone to my room .

I bring expresso for him I knocked door of his room .

The voice came " come in "

In went to give him cup .

He taken A sip of the cup and said "it is good thank you. Ok our office closed on 9:30pm. From 9:30 to 10:30 you make your dinner . So today I teach from 10:00 to 11:00 pm then i drop to your home ok".

I nodded 'yes'

Then i go to my room for my work.

When I working, i not noticed that he staring me.

I completed my work with in 7:30 and submitted to him .

He said "good you are too fast in work . Ok then we start the lessons from now only ."

We going study in his private room.

I nodded and i bring my books and he teaching me . He cleared my doubts . I am happy . After 2 hours Finally we finished the lessons.

He said "so today we will stop here . Jenny can you come with me for dinner?"

I said "ok"

He get me to a expensive restaurant and he said " don't worry about money i will pay".

He given me menu card and i ordered steak and he also ordered that .

We eat that and he paid the bill .

He dropped me to my home and said " good night" and i also said him same .

Then he gone and when I entered in home . My brother shocked and Said "when you buy this dress "

I said " aa Mr.park bought for me . He is gift for my first day "

Hong :- ok then congratulations for became a secratary also .

Jenny :- thanks . Are you had your dinner?

Hong :- ya my friend give me kimchi fried rice with chicken. You had dinner?

Jenny :- ya , steak.

Hong :- Mr.Park given this treat Naa....😁

Jenny :- ya ,so what

Hong :- nothing 🙄😅

Jenny :- Hong, you are weird 😑..

Hong :-😁😁😁😁😁

So I am happy today after a long time
From now i am changing....

To be continue.........

Mr.Park Jimin the CEO Where stories live. Discover now