Chapter Twenty

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Back in the cockpit of a plane, it's like I never left. The controls feel solid and sure under my hands, that said, I'm well aware of the modifications installed by the locals to ensure that even at my age, this plane will not crash. I've been briefed on the current situation and have the current location of my granddaughter, Marion and the additional forces that will intercept Marion - Mayesa as soon as she's airborne. Her actions don't surprise me - I doubt anything would at this point.

The plan is for me to pick up Kasia and land once I've met up with the others in the air. They've scouted out a few areas for us to land and confront Marion and whatever forces she has with her. If nothing else, she has always been resourceful.

I've contacted the people that Marion worked for at the CIA, and they've agreed to work with the locals from the island. Both want her to pay for what she has done, and a couple of men will meet me and my granddaughter in Poland and make it clear she will not face charges for what was done to her. The usual paperwork and hopefully, with some professional help and time, my granddaughter will be able to put this miserable mess behind her.

I take a deep breath. I'm a part of that mess, for better or worse. I focus my attention back on the task at hand. I've practically memorised my route to the local airport. The same one my father - stop it. I cast my gaze, glancing behind me. A reassuring load of luggage from my travels and return to the island and a few hefty crates worth of the medicine for my daughter. Each one will make her safe and immune from the effects of blood in her vicinity for four hours.

That said, I have no illusions of our tearful reunion. My granddaughter found outward physical affection difficult for the most part and especially after the ignominious way she was 'removed' from the air force, her ability to trust would have deteriorated dramatically.

She had called me, in tears from the airport in Munich, Germany, after leaving the base.

'What did she say?'

'Nothing. No note, nothing.'

'Oh, Kasia, I'm so sorry.'

'What did I do wrong?'

'Nothing, sweetheart. When are you coming home?'

'My flight gets in tomorrow afternoon.'

'I'll come to pick you up.'

'You don't have to do that.'

'Of course, I do, I'm your grandmother. Just make sure you call your father. I'm sure he's worried about you.'

'I will.'


'Yes, grandmother?'

'Don't give up on love.'

Her voice is a little thick. 'I'm not the one who did.'


And just when I thought she was safe back at university, in the middle of her post-graduate medical degree to lead to her work in psychiatry, I made my plans for my departure. A painful wrench as it was, but I knew that Marion wouldn't leave her alone. I never wanted to be right on that, though. And I know that part of the blame for all this rests with me.

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