No Need to be Scared

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"I didn't mean to frighten you. I only wished to take look at your hair. It's quite lovely, you know."

His voice sounded so charming- so genuine- that you almost wanted to believe him. You suck in another shaky breath before speaking.

"I saw something," you rub your arms together in a self-soothing motion. "You were holding a knife- I saw it!" You look over to the toilet, to where the item slid, giving a slight nod with you head and leading his eyes. 

Fred let out another chuckle, partially covering his face with his long, boney fingers. You couldn't tell if he was laughing at you or the situation you put him in. You feel your cheeks turn hot with embarassment.

"Hey. It's not funny. What were you trying to do?" You make an attempt at sounding threatening; yet ultimately fail, which only leads to more heat steaming up and into your face.

He composes himself, straighting his tie and pushing the rest of the shower curtain off of him. The metal bar clatters into the ceramic tub.

"Tsk, tsk. Now why exactly would I brandish a knife?" He pushed himself up into a standing position, dantily dusting his suit off. "I'd never hurt somebody as fetching as yourself."

"Is he... Flirting with me?"

You stand by the door, not quite knowing how to reply. He made a decent point. Why would he bring a knife with him to his aunt's house? It just wasn't adding up.

You remained silent as Fred walked over to the toilet, kneeling to retrive the mystery object. You take note of his every move, ready to defend yourself again if need be.

While watching him, you couldn't help but admire his dignified stature. His rather tall, lanky build magnificantly filled out his tasteful olive suit. His elegant yet manacing demeanor-- particularly the lengthy yet effortless strides he took, and the slight way he arched his back forward, forefitting the perfect posture you'd expect of somebody like him- made him quite the eccentric fellow. You were intrigued, to say the very least.

Still kneeling, Fred turned his head to face you. He held in one hand a bright red electric razor with lusturous metal blades, which he lightly shook at you, as if to say "ah-ha!"

He stood up, taking a few steps toward you, although this time he kept his distance. 

"Now do you see? I was simply holding onto this old thing. I'm a barber. You never know when somebody will need a good shave." He laughed.

You felt rather silly. And although you still questioned why he chose to deliberately hide it from you, and what exactly he was planning on doing with it, shame sealed your mouth shut.

What you did know, however, was that you were going to be stuck inside this bathroom with him for quite a while, whether you liked it or not. 

Freaky Fred x Reader (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now