Heating up

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The sound was comforting- almost hypnotic.

You both sat there- you on the floor by the tub, him propped back up on the toilet lid- not saying a word, while Fred drummed his sharp nails on the marble countertop in rhythm.

You stared down at your hands, interlacing and releasing your fingers, twiddling them, whatever you could do to avoid eye-contact with the gentleman sitting only a few feet away.

You could see him watching you out of your peripheral. His emerald green eyes were no doubt looking you up and down; observing you like a predator does before conquering its prey.

You tried to pay it no mind, but something about being the main attraction of his gaze gave you flurry-fulls of butterflies that you just couldn't chase away. The images of him once being so close to you, playing with your hair-- that damn look in his eyes, repeated themselves on a projector in your brain.

Still looking at down at your hands, you let a soft, stupid smile spread across your face. You couldn't help yourself. You knew he'd noticed. A part of you hoped he'd say something. Maybe even spark a conversation with you. You wanted to know more about him.

Perhaps it was naive, but... You wanted to figure out what he was hiding.

Thinking about him, you absent-mindedly began to birl little fibrils of wavy hair around your fingers, whirling it up then letting it fall, just as he had done before. As soon as you started doing this, you noticed Fred had stopped his finger tapping. Both of his hands were now in his lap, rubbing against each other anxiously, and he began to hastily rap his foot on the floorboards.

You hear him clear his throat.

"I meant what I said before," tap-tap-tap. "You do have quite remarkable hair.~"

You look up at him.

"Thanks... That's sweet of you to say." You feel yourself blush.

He leaned forward, reaching his hand out to cup your cheek. This sudden change in demeanor startled you, but you let it happen. You let him touch you, and stroke your face with his thumb.

"You know, darling," he begins. "I've had a hard time keeping my eyes off of you from the first moment I saw you."

You open your mouth to say something, but he moves his thumb from your cheek to your lips, slowly closing them.

"We are going to be stuck in here for quite some time," he moves his boney finger across your bottom lip, stopping at a corner and keeping it there. 

"Why not have a bit of fun?~"

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am still writing this, I do not have access to my computer at the moment, once I am able I will continue the story.

Freaky Fred x Reader (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now