phayurain - scratch 1/3

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Tags: Punishment, Dom/Sub type Relationship, Dominant!Phayu, Submissive!Rain, Size Difference, Muscle Kink, Strength Difference, Brat Tamer!Phayu, Brat!Rain, Rain loves being punished, Hard Spanking, Rough Sex, Overstimulation, Mention of Rain's 'Daddy' thing from the Special EP, Rain also kind of calls Phayu his God I guess? idk, This got so long but i hope you'll read it all anyway haha, Overwhelmed!Rain

Summary: Rain accidentally puts a scratch on the side of Phayu's big bike, while parking his car in the garage. The boy gets taught a lesson in the end.


Rain had to play chauffeur for that evening, driving Pai and Sky home. He was out with the couple, only because Phayu had some work to catch up on, so he didn't join them on their night out. Rain hated it, he was so bored the whole evening long, because he couldn't drink, being the chauffeur, and he didn't have Phayu with him, his hubby being too busy.

Oh, how it fucking annoyed him, watching Pai being all over Sky, Sky pushing him off in the beginning, not wanting to make Rain feel like a third wheel. He'd been annoyed, even though he totally ships them, because he wanted his man already, and he knew there was no way to be in his arms in the next hour or so because he was stuck at this bar, not wanting to leave his friend behind, but also hating his friend for having a non-workaholic lover.

"Ugh. I could really use a fucking drink." Rain muttered to himself.

"What would Phayu think about you cursing, huh?" Pai smirked at Rain, teasing, just like his hubby always did, which reminded Rain even more of his man, and Pai also mentioning him right now, didn't really help, at all.

"If you mention him again, I'm literally leaving, right now." Rain deadpanned, and Pai motioned with his hand for him to leave if he wanted to, raising his brows, like the guy he misses so much right now always did. God, why did they have to be so similar?

Rain literally got up, finally sighing in relief at being able to leave this torture, when Sky grabbed his hand with a whine. Since when does Sky whine?, Rain thought to himself.

"Don't leave, Rain... Naa~" Sky whined, and Rain huffed, knowing he couldn't leave his friend to his own devices in that state, not wanting Pai to do something to his friend. Suddenly, Rain was protective of his friend.

"Alright, I'm staying. I won't let you do anything weird to Sky, you creep." Rain said directly to Pai, planning on taking out all his frustrations on him if Pai mentioned that one name again.

Rain watched Pai's mouth open, to say something, and immediately close after Rain shot him a look with narrowed eyes, as if saying to Pai: "I dare you."

"Alright, alright..." Pai finally said, holding up his hands in surrender as Rain sat down next to Sky now, letting his drunk friend rest his head on his shoulder. Pai gave him the stink eye for a little, but Rain just poked out his tongue at him.

Rain could totally survive another hour of not seeing his hubby if it meant he could protect a drunk Sky from Pai. He really loved his friend.


"Don't do anything weird to him, okay? And make sure he doesn't throw up all over himself!" Rain called after the couple that was exiting the backseat of his car together, a tipsy Pai holding up a very drunk Sky. He hated being the only sober person on a night out, but it was over soon.. In just a 5-minute drive he would be back home and in his boyfriend's comfy arms.

"I'm actually an emetophile, just so you know," Pai smirked back at him and Rain flipped him the bird.

"Bye Rainnn~!" Sky called and Pai waved at him as if thanking him for the ride. "What a douche," Rain muttered to himself, rolling his eyes at Pai and putting his car back into drive.

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