Ch. 3: Exploring The Power Abilities/RUINSMAGUS

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Mom: Listen to me, Now that you have powers, you are free to explore the world but as long as you are careful and you don't kill people.

Me: Yes Ma'am, okay if I just explore around our area first?

Mom: You're more than welcome to, I'll explain the whole dimensions thing later.

Me: Got it.

*I slowly fly off the ground and kept it below 750ft, I Then saw people walking staring at Me while i was flying, I explored around Pickerington, Lancaster, and Groveport*

Me: This is So Legit. *But then i See traffic activity, of someone going incredibly fast on the freeway, I followed the car, and then I cause the insides of that person to pull over and vomit, must have been drinking, emergency medical transports were already on their way as well as police, it was my signal to get out of here*

*I came home*

Mom: How were things looking?

Me: Pretty neat and legit.

Mom: Alright, now that you're here. We need to go over the dimensions you're going to travelling.

Me: Alright.

Mom: Mii, one question before we start, did you give my son, any time abilities?

Mii: No Grandma, nothing except this being able to go faster throughout time, or just the ability to Slow Time.

Mom: Got it, Also The "Grandma" stuff is kind of weird to me at the moment just please call me "Mom" for now

Mii: Yes Mom.

Me: Anyway, as you were with the dimension traveling.

Mom: Ah Yes, now we hear that you have made some allies in RUINSMAGUS, Waltz of The Wizard, Vader Immortal, and More; But as always I would advise caution, who knows who could destroy you for your Elemental Passion, yes, I just came up with that now.

Me: Alright, take caution, no problem, always be sure to play nice and don't kill, Got It.

Mom: And No Matter What, Stay Safe, And Don't redirect Your purpose of who you are, Never Re-Direct.

Me: Yes Ma'am.

Mom: Love you.

Me: Love you too, Mom.

Mii: Okay if I come With You, Dad?

Me: Well, Alright, But remember to play nice.

Mii: Yes Sir.

Mom: At Least Be Back For Dinner, Alright?

Me and Mii: Yes Ma'am.

Mom: Fly Safe.

*I summon a portal and we flew in*

Mom: God, Keep Him and His Son Safe, Please.

*As we are flying, We landed in a hidden alley in a small city*

Me: We must be in RUINSMAGUS...

Mii: According to My Calculations... The Main Guardian Forms here are Mages, So We may need to wear something Mage Like.

Me: I have this Cloak and Black Pants and Long Sleeve Shirt.

Mii: It will have to do for now.

Me: Got it. *2 Minutes Later, Me and My Mii got out of the alley, Looking Like Mages, People were confused about us*

*I suddenly bumped into a young woman, She and I Didn't look like we were watching where we were going, She looked like she dropped some papers and a tablet?*

???: Oh, Sorry.

Me: No, No, I'm sorry. *My Hood suddenly flipped off and The Girl and I's Eyes Locked, We both somehow blushed, and smiled, I Shook it off and helped her pick up the rest of her stuff* Here, C'mon Son.

???: Wait.

Me: Yes?

???: Thanks, And... you two don't seem like you are from around here.

Me: Yeah, You got us, But we do want to become Certified Magi.

???: What is with the Clothes, You look like you are a drifter.

Me: My Disguise...

???: Okay, I have a friend not that far from here, We can get you and your mii signed up, Together?

Mii: Yes, Together.

???: Let's Get you some proper Mage Clothes and Gear, I'm Iris, btw.

Me: My Name is Joshua, This Is Joshua The Mii.

Mii: But Everybody Calls Me, Mii, for that reason.

Iris: Nice to meet you Both, Come with me.

*Iris had some Spare Male Magi Clothes and Hat for me, I put them on*

Me: Does this uniform make my stomach look small.

Iris: Fits you like A Glove, I was able to contact Enigma and they were able to get you two signed up, and I will be the one supporting you two.

Mii: That is great news.

Me: The three of us will have no problems completing our first task.

Iris: No Kidding.


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