Ch. 5: After The Guildmaster's Sacrifice

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*Yes, Time has passed and so has experience, there was the Brundore Impact, Orfeo and Euridice, Reese Appreciation Society, and of course there was Ryuuki, A Samurai from the East... Only to find out later from the shopkeeper that The Guildmaster was Bacchus Flamen, A Passionate Hero to All before the loss of his master, Lady Humbaba... The Guildmaster, took the Clavis stones and unlocked the doorway of Truth, providing only "a tomorrow for all Magi" truly meaning, that he would wipe magic away... While he reigned supreme sailing the seas on something called "The Ark," Mii, Iris, and I Versed against the same dragon that encountered us before, Except the Guild Master was on it's side, it was three versus two, we were able to destroy the dragon, we had to destroy the ark, but then the Guildmaster was not done yet, I was separated from My Mii and Iris, it was one versus one, I was able to defeat him, and of course I helped destroy the ark. Then the place started collapsing, The Guildmaster just saved the three of us, he then used his gauntlet, to push us away from the crushing rubble he's holding up, Iris was unconscious and so was My Mii, so I did my best to get them both out of here with every bit of strength that I had left; I was barely even able to make it out of the ruins with both of them on my Shoulders, before I knew it, I collapsed, down the stairs, both of the bodies dropped off my back and rolled, it was still raining outside, I Passed out, I was covered in blood, water, cuts, bruises, and even burn marks, Mii was the first to wake up, Saw Iris Made sure she was okay, but she was only sobbing that the Guildmaster sacrificed himself for the three of us, But Mii then saw Me on the ground passed out, All I could hear was his muffled yelling, and the wet footsteps of Iris running to me. My heart beated slowly, but it was normal enough to represent I was only resting, the next morning, Mii was asleep on my back, Iris was already up and About seeing that she was right, there was a rainbow, a beautiful rainbow, she stood to her feet, turned to me, and reached her hand to me, Mii woke up and saw this.*

Me:...Together... *I held her hand, She helped me Up and We walked to town*

Mii: Say Dad, Wasn't there are other places you wanted to go?

Me: I believe you're right.

Iris: What are you talking about?

Me: I want you to come with us, help us, be a part of the team.

Iris: You mean, I will be more than just your Magi supporter?

Me: I'm not forcing you onto this, the decision is up to you.

Iris: As long as I'm still inventing stuff, I'm in.

Me: Nice.

Iris: But who's going to run the ruins?

Me: You didn't see the ruins collapse behind me, I don't think anyone's going to be exploring that place for a really long time.

Iris: Still Magi are going to want to find the purpose for their powers.

*The Scene Changes, But this time we all three Saw it and we three faded together, and We Saw the Observers and the Same Location as Last Time*

Lead Observer: Lord Joshua.

Me: Observers, I Can Explain...

Lead Observer: No Explanation! We saw the Whole Thing, and What you Three have done...

*Iris Gulps*

Lead Observer: That Was Understandable...

Mii: You Are Not Mad?

Lead Observer: We Are Not All Brawn and No Brains, Extraterrestrial!

Mii: Joshua The Mii, Thank You, and I Apologize.

Lead Observer: Then Who is the Little Lady?

Iris: Iris, Sir.

Lead Observer: Mmhmm, Back to the Other Topic, Y- *Hears Ringing*

Me: Damn It, Spam Caller! I deeply Apologize, Your Observerness.

Lead Observer: No Apology Needed, Not Entirely your fault.

*I nod*

Lead Observer: You Three Have Brought a Stop to The Villain's Creation, But at the same time, An Old Ally helped him see the error of his ways, and Sacrificed himself to Save you three.

Iris: I believe in our case, He should be Honored.

Lead Observer: He did Save Your Lives... But we can't do it Universally, Just to his Region.

Iris: Bu-

Me: That shall be Fine.

Lead Observer: I know you agree to this Joshua, But let me tell Iris, why.

Me: Yes Sir.

Lead Observer: There are countless lives in the universe, More than you realize, if we tell everyone in the universe to honor someone they don't know, who knows what the reactions will be...

Iris: Yes Sir.

Lead Observer: Other than that, You three are strong in the force together, Your teamwork was inseparable today, Especially, Joshua carrying the both of you out when you two couldn't do it yourselves, He cares deeply for his family and friends, even when he doesn't share from his mouth.

Iris: You were the one who saved us?

Me: I had too, I couldn't let my son or the love of my li- *I cover my mouth and Iris Blushed*

Lead Observer: Well Joshua, you already let the cat out of the box... Kiss her.

Iris: Josh, Do you remember that night, with the colorful stars and lanterns?

Me: Yeah?

Iris: I wanted to fall in love with you, but I didn't want to embarrass myself.

Lead Observer: You are not embarrassing yourselves right now, This is a courtroom, and we swear not to tell.

Iris: Are you going to force me to kiss him?

Lead Observer: Why would I do that? You didn't know that's not our style to a Lady.

Iris: That makes me feel a bit better.

Lead Observer: The decision is yours, Iris.. He does love you after all.

*Iris faces Me and We Slowly Close in for a Kiss, and then we suddenly start making out*

Lead Observer: Ooh... *Covers the Other Observer's Eyes*

*Me and Iris let go and we smile at eachother*

Lead Observer: I believe it is time for you three to explore a little more...

Mii: Yes, Thank You Sir.

Lead Observer: I expect good results from the three of you and more allies you make along the way.

Me: Yes, Your Observerness.

*We re-appear at the Valley infront of the ruins*

Iris: So what do you think, Guys?

Me: I'm up for one more Adventure, how about you, Mii?

Mii: Yeah, I'm In, the real question is, where will it be.

*I summon a portal*

Me: I say we let the portal decide.

Mii & Iris: Agreed

*We all jumped in*


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