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Schnee Dust Company, Manor


10:00 pm

Jacques Schnee (formerly Gelé) is an antagonist to the people of equal rights and now the former CEO of the Schnee Dust Company (SDC), the largest Dust-mining company in Remnant and He was the father of Winter, Weiss, and Whitley Schnee and the husband of Willow Schnee and He also become the councilman from Atlas at his time.

Jacques was fair-skinned with white, slicked-back hair. He had a large, thick mustache and cold blue eyes.

He was seen wearing a pure white double-breasted blazer with a red handkerchief in the breast pocket. Underneath, he wore a light-blue dress shirt, vest and a white clip-on tie[1], printed with the same emblem on his shoes and above his study. He had a silver-colored ring on his right hand.

On the back wall behind his desk is a portrait depicted a younger self with black hair and a thinner mustache. Another portrait of Jacques with his family also depicted a middle-aged self with black hair with greying on the bottom.

Jacques was a callous, snide, arrogant, vindictive and overbearing man that was described in The World of remnant The Official Companion as being power-hungry and petty and He entered a loveless marriage on purpose into the Schnee family in so order to take control of the Schnee Dust Company and to enslave innocent workers. A Weissman once stated that it was that bastard of a Men leadership on that company that saw its reputation sullied by unethical practices. He was an authoritarian and controlling men and father who was on poor terms with both Winter and Weiss, having disinherited Winter after she decided to join Atlas military against his will, and the nature of his marriage drove his wife into alcoholism and abuse.

When Weiss refused to answer his calls, he cut her off from the family fortune in order to force her to talk to him and A similar situation was said to have occurred between him and Winter upon her enlistment to the military. Jacques was shown to be sarcastic and egotistical, joking with peers that he was repeatedly the good guy when it came to the Faunus situation when in reality he was apathetic.

Jacques also seemed to be a cold and calculating person, more concerned with reputation and wealth than the people close to him, or the ethics of a situation and However, his cold and calculating façade quickly evaporated to reveal his true short temper when someone questioned his authority or criticized him, as shown when he snapped at his wife and openly revealed the true reasons why he married her after she called him out for missing Weiss' birthday dinner, or when he slapped Weiss after she said that the Schnee family legacy was more hers than his and then His wife was suggested to have suspected the true motivations of their marriage long before Jacques admitted to them himself.

But Jacques Schnee was many things.

He was cold, calculating, and vindictive especially when he got upset, and right now it was showing. He had just gotten off a call with some of the SDC security officers and well it wasn't a good call. Another mining camp had been attacked and it's personnel thoroughly slaughtered by those damn Faunas. On top of that catastrophe he still had a call with General Ironwood he needed to make. No doubt it would be Ironwood encouraging him to give a discount to the Atlas Kingdom as it was a matter of "national security." Did the man take him for a fool? He must've to keep pushing arguments like that.

Despite Jacques' poor relationship with his daughters, the fact that he personally fetched Weiss after the Battle of Beacon indicated some sense of worry for her safety. However, his actions during "Remembrance" showed him to be more concerned with the SDC and the Schnee name, rather than Weiss herself. His controlling nature was made clear when he forced Weiss to sing at the SDC charity concert with an implied threat of consequences if she refused, and when he restricted Weiss' freedom of movement after the incident at the fundraiser. He also followed through with consequences for refusing his commands, such as when Weiss challenged him in "Punished", and When Weiss returned to Atlas, years later he showed signs of frustration when Weiss refused to return with him and when her teammates defended her, showing that despite everything he still genuinely cared for his daughters to a certain degree and However, his own controlling nature caused him to instead try keeping them under his thumb, due to believing that he and only he knew what was truly best for them at times.

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