entry 2

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- "i said thank you, dipshit."

ena grumbled and went back to painting her art work- looking angry as per usual.

"youre always so.."

- "so what? leave me alone." she snapped.

"w-what? no- im sorry."

- "god youre so- nevermind, stay as much as you want- just dont mess things up." ena turned her back to me and continued to paint.

"so.. what are you painting then?"

- "a landscape." ena stated bluntly.

"oh thats.. cool."

the room was filled with awkward tension, god. i was never good at socialising and talking to people in general.

- "youre really awkward, you know that?" ena pointed out.

- "why do you still even go here if youre not going to talk to me like a normal person would?"

ouch, that stung.

"sorry.. do you hate it o-"

- "well no i dont, i want to but.. whatever, just shut up and be quiet."


today was interesting, to say the least.

the girl was hostile, as usual, not that i really mind but..

a part of my body hopes that she can soften up towards me.

i dont even know why i care but i still
do hope she does someday.

about a girl ; enaWhere stories live. Discover now