Chapter 11 - Anyone Named Sebastian is Hot; Thems the Rules

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~ ~ Malik ~ ~

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~ ~ Malik ~ ~

Ever since we returned from Virgil's, Xander has been much more affectionate than usual. I figured it was a mix of wanting to comfort me, and being in a naturally loving mood. Either way, I didn't mind. The only thing that did annoy me was his constant asking if I was okay.

"Things can't just be fine after that," Xander commented. We cuddled comfortably in bed together, watching a movie on his TV across from us.

I sighed frustratedly for what felt like the hundredth time that day. "Xander, honestly! We weren't that close, it's fine!" I snapped.

"Hey.." he took my hand and gently squeezed it. "I understand I'm making you angry by not believing you, but I know grief when I see it. I'm willing to be patient, as long as it takes. You're not going through this alone," Xander leaned closer and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I promise."

Even my frustration couldn't dull the butterflies he gave me. "Fine, but you're wrong. I'm not grieving," I looked back at the TV hanging on the wall across from the bed. I pretended to focus on the movie, but really, I mulled over what Xander said, over and over in my mind. Yet, each time, I came to the same conclusion. I'm fine.

We spent a lot of time together for the rest of the week. Nothing more happened with V, which we were really grateful for. After losing Damien on that Tuesday, we were really on edge, as well as everyone who occupied the mansion. We often heard whispers, people wondering if they were next, speculations of who V really was. Some people even quit their jobs, which we didn't blame them for.

On Wednesday, Xander introduced me to his butler. He said he was on leave after meeting his soulmate, but just got back to work. He kindly introduced himself as Sebastian. I learned that he was also a vampire, and surprisingly, he was younger than Xander by a couple years.

On Friday, Xander and I decided to have a beach trip. The weather had been perfect, and I couldn't wait to get back into the water after the recent events. As we arrived at the edge of the woods, I stopped abruptly in the sand as I noticed the mermaid sitting on shore, the waves washing around her tail before receding into the ocean. As I looked closer, I noticed that familiar sea green tail, dark skin, and long black hair. "Mother?" I mumbled to myself. What is she doing here?

She looked up at me as I approached and gave me her warmest smile. "Malik!" She exclaimed, as if seeing me here was a surprise.

"Mother," I sat down in the sand next to her, letting the waves crash against my feet. My vampire sat on the other side of me, holding my hand in his, like we had been the whole walk here. He gave me a supportive squeeze as he must have felt my unease. "What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I came to see you, son!" She grinned, as if our relationship wasn't tainted by what she did to me. "I wanted to let you know that I understand what happened now. I couldn't accept that you'd really be a murderer, so I ended up going to the police," she explained. "They showed me the files and I found out that you were telling the truth. I came to apologize for not listening to you properly."

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