Chapter 27 - Violence is Never The Answer... Unless it Involves a Werewolf

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~ ~ Xander ~ ~

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~ ~ Xander ~ ~

Amaya arrived at the mansion as quickly as possible, showing up by that evening. I told her my plan, and she agreed that Malik could very well be there in Ivory, since the werewolves and merfolk have always had an alliance.

I went to my room to shower and shave a little, freshening myself up for Malik. I tried not to rush it too much with my excitement and impatience, but I may have cut myself a couple of times. They healed instantly, but I had to remind myself to slow down.

I packed an overnight bag, just in case, and set off with Amaya into the forest. We followed the path that led to the beach and as we arrived, I got hit with more memories of Malik. This beach was where he argued with his mother and left her in the dust. I was so proud of him that day, especially because he stood up for me. I didn't even have to say a word, and he had the situation totally under control.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts, knowing I'd see my soulmate again very soon.

I led Amaya down the path that followed the water until we got to the dock where my boat sat. My parents bought this boat for me years ago, but I never used it. I'm too afraid of the water, and I don't know how to drive it.

"Oh," I looked over at Amaya, realizing we'd need someone to drive it. "Do you know how to use that?"

"Yeah. You don't?" She raised an eyebrow. "It's your boat, right? We're not stealing it?"

"Yes, it's my boat," I rolled my eyes as I held up the keys I had grabbed before we left the mansion. She took the keys and we made our way down the dock and onto the boat. It took some time to get it working and Amaya had to work a little bit on the engine, which I knew nothing about. Then she added gas, and like a miracle, we heard the rumbling of the boat coming to life.

I had to sit down at the back of the boat and grip the seats, trying not to feel too on edge about being on the water. I noticed as I held onto the metal bar on the side of the boat, my vampire claws extended from my nails and nearly cut into my palms. My claws hardly ever surfaced because it takes so much rage that I've never been capable of. I'd been under so much emotional stress the last year, that they suddenly appeared over the smallest things. I had to loosen my fingers and take deep breaths to get them to go back down. It didn't really work, and they were still visible by the time we docked again, about an hour later.

As we got off the boat, we threw on the winter gear we had packed because of the cold. Thankfully, the ground wasn't covered in snow, but the temperature still required protection. I took in a breath of fresh air, taking a moment to gaze up at the mountains. But only a moment, of course. I was too close to Malik to waste time admiring the scenery.

As we started walking down a path into the forest, Amaya assured me she knew this area like the back of her hand, and we'd be at the village in no time. I hoped she was right.

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