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Cassidy has always been a believer. She lived off the romance and desire people showed between each other. Her parents were separated, but something in her told her not to give up. She lives by love everyday and she refuses to give up til she finds, that guy. She has never been in a relationship herself, but if you ever needed advice she's the girl to go to. Her best friend Skylar Ellison has been her stepping stone throughout life. Skylar was older by a year, but they were inseparable. As a 16 year old and a sophomore in high school, you would wish to met someone by now. That's exactly what she did. She wanted nothing more than him, the cutest and sweetest guy in school. Mateo Lawrence was the top of his class and is guaranteed a spot on any D1 college lacrosse team in the country. He's the boy anyone would want. That's all Cassidy wanted. Ever since she moved to Portland, Maine, that's all she ever thought about.

"Cass! Cass!" a hand waved in front of her face as she was out of her trance. She looked up to see Skylar raised her eyebrow question my thoughts, but she already knew. "Oh, sorry I was thinking about-"

" Mateo. I know. Now help me find an outfit to impress the new kid tomorrow!" She looked blissfully into the open window in my bedroom, out towards the sun that was falling with beautiful colors.

I haven't met this new kid yet, I've heard his name is Brixton. For some reason it brought me back to my home town where my dad lives. There was a Brixton there too. Brixton Cameron. He was the biggest asshat Ive ever met. My blood boiled just at the thought of him. My cheeks turned red and my fists clenched until my knuckles were white. I hated that kid. I have completely forgotten about him till Skylar brought him up.

"Girl? You okay? You look like Mateo just kissed you and left you dazed." She said blankly before looking and seeing my anger. Is that seriously what she got from my anger?! I couldn't believer her! "Absolutely Not! Ugh!" I got up and walked out of my room down to the kitchen. Skylar followed close behind just wondering why I was acting so strange. "Girl I was messing with you! What is up with you?" She had a tone as if I was about to kill her and she was begging me not to..

Was I seriously that irritated? By fucking Brixton Cameron?! Who I haven't seen since 8th grade?! Grateful at that, but why did it bother me so bad having him linger in the back of my mind? I took some deep breaths when I reached the fridge. I grabbed a sparkling water can for Skylar and one for me. "Peace offering?" I said annoyed that I snapped at her. She knew I felt bad and took it with a small smile that ended up spreading to either corner of her face. So did mine.

"So what bothered you so bad that you acted like I killed your cat?" Skylar asked in a playful tone, stepping back a little. I think she was a little frightened by my outbreak. "I thought about a kid from my old school who had the same name as Brixton. He was a piece of shit and I would rather sit on a seat covered in knives than see him again." I just wanted to forget. Completely. "Girl? Seriously? That guys sounds like a piece of shit! Why haven't you mentioned his name before?" I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know.. I left Boston and haven't thought about him since." "Ouch, Well let me take that douchebag out of your head! Let's go watch Austin and Ally! I know they always cheer you up!" My eyes brightened to the idea! I almost sprinted up the stairs into my room. I couldn't be more excited!


Skylar left later that night, she headed home as we had school in the morning.

I dozed off after she left and fell asleep. I didn't realize how exhausted I was.

"Cassidy? Cassidy?" I heard a deep voice call my name as I was walking down the hall. I turned to find a tall boy around 6'3 and luscious fluffy blond hair, flopping just the right way walk up to me. It was Mateo Lawrence. Know as 'Mat' with his lacrosse friends. His eyes widened and so did his smile. "How have I never noticed you before? You're so beautiful." He took a piece of my hair and slipped it behind my ear. It gave me chills all the way down my spine. My body wanted to just melt as his fingertips just slightly touching me. Now if he kissed me? Oh. My. God. I'm on my knees for him. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on my lips. I opened my mouth and let him explore my mouth and I explored his. I pull away for a second to look at him. "BRIXTON?"


authors note:
Hello! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Please leave suggestions and notes on what you want to see throughout the book. Just be aware this book has lots of dreams in it. Cassidy dreams A LOT well more she sleeps a lot but yah. I have midterms soon so don't know how often I'll let y'all know! Happy New Years!!

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