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The next morning I drove to school and my mind kept wandering throughout the ride. I didn't even turn the music on. I sat in silence and drove to school. What happened last night frightened me...

I arrive to school 10 minutes before the bell ring. I parked in my parking spot next to a new car. No one ever parked next to me. I was one of the youngest drivers so I was the last one to get a parking spot. When I saw a car in the usually empty parking spot, I wondered if it's the new kids Brixton's.

"Girl! You are so close to being late!" Skylar strutted towards me screaming down the hallway. "I'm here aren't I?!" I laughed and hugged her like I didn't just see her less than 12 hours ago. Skylar wore her signature light purple crop top that she wore when she was trying to impress a guy, and a pair of light blue distressed jean shorts with white converse platforms. She looked stunning and every guy knew it. She had long blonde hair and green eyes, you could tell she's picture perfect. I had just worn a oversized pink tee, ripped jeans and white and pink air forces. I was not fancy next to Skylar. I felt small for a moment, but I stopped before she saw.

"Girl! I saw Brixton checking me out! I also found out he's in your grade, I think your birthdays are pretty close to each other so he has his license like you girl!" Now that explains the car next to mine.. She light up talking about Brixton. Her green eyes had optimism in them. I never see that in her anymore. "Oh that's cool! His car was parked next to mine! He has a black car. I don't know what type cause I don't really care.." My voice trailed off as walked past us was the one and only Mateo Lawrence.

He glared at us for a whole second. A WHOLE SECOND. He turned the corner and walked away. I was in awe and Skylar had to literally shut my mouth for me. I never was able to speak. Nothing ever worked when I looked at him. I just stood there like a deer in head lights.

The bell ring and I was late! I was never late to this class. I had the worst science teacher ever. She spat at you if you got the answer wrong. She would also spat at you if you don't participate. It was a loose-loose in her class.

I rushed into the class out of breath. I looked around for a second and headed to the back of the class where my seat was.. Where someone was sitting in it. He had light brown hair and dark green eyes. I stared at him in awe. He looked up and I broke out of my trance. "You're in my seat." I said blankly. "Oh I'm sorry, I'll sit over here then." He got up and moved to the next seat over. I sat down next to him. I sat in the chair he sat in not moments before. I could smell his cologne, it was enticing. It just lingered around for a while.

"Cassidy!" Ms. Waterton wanted me to participate. Do I look like I know it? "What's the answer?!" She snapped at me and the whole class turned to me. Even this very attractive guy next to me. "Can you repeat it please?" I asked as innocently as possible and she still spat at me. "I said! What is the power house of the cell?!" She sternly looked at me anticipating my response. "Mitochondria." "Wro- wait that's right!" Ms. Waterton didn't look so stressed as she was.

"Your name is Cassidy?" I turned to my left and saw him looking at me searching my face. "Yah.." I said slowly. He started clouding all my judgement. He stared at me, "My name is Brixton. Brixton Cameron."

"NO!" I screamed and stood up and wasn't thinking. I looked around and saw the gaze of the whole class and confusion plastered on his face.

I stormed out of the class without asking to even leave. I just couldn't be there. I said I needed to forget about him and then he shows up. Here. Of all places. Here. What the actual fuck. I needed air.

"Cassidy!" I heard someone call my name in the distance. I turned to look at them and I saw the light brown hair walking towards me. I froze under his gaze, but snapped out of it quickly. I walked as fast as I could but he grabbed my elbow before I could take another step towards the door. He turned me to him. "Why did you freak out when I told you my name?" He doesn't remember. That asshat doesn't remember how he tortured my life through middle school. My friends stopped being friends with me because he told them, I begged him to kiss me in the boys bathroom. They stopped being friends with me and called me a 'desperate slut'.

I crossed my arms on the verge of tears. He furrowed his eyebrows towards me, then his eyes widened. "Cassidy. Cassidy Willows." He stared at me, blankly. Or I just couldn't figure him out, but I felt hurt just looking at him.

I tried holding in my tears but they started flowing and once they came, they couldn't stop. I ran towards a door. I don't know what door it was, but any door to get away from him.

"Ow, what the fuck. Who are you?" a deep husky voice asked blankly. I looked up to meet his gaze. My blurred eyes couldn't picture who it was, so I gave a rude tone. "What does it matter! I'm in here aren't I! Give it a fucking rest and let me be. I can't deal with today. I don't need you on my back too!" I said as I slid down the wall and hugged my knees to my chest. I kept sobbing and felt a gaze on me. I looked up to see him staring at me confused. I knew those blonde locks anywhere. Mateo..

"Are you okay?" In a caring deep voice. "No! Do I look okay? I walked into this fucking closet hoping to be alone, but no I walk into a closet with the biggest jock in school." I didn't want to be mean to him, but I was so pissed off I wanted to slap anyone in sight. "Oh?" As he slid down the wall next to me and just sat there. He didn't say anything, but he sat there. He didn't speak. He didn't move. He just sat there. It was comforting, "This guys from my old school is here now. He was my living hell at my old school. He never cared about anything. He was the hot guy, he got away with everything. He made my friends turn on me. He played with me like I was his favorite toy care and dragged me along until I broke."  I just rambled about everything and cried in the process. "...and then he was here and he didn't even remember me. He just thought I was pretty and wanted to get to know me. I guess. I wanted to punch him so bad. I don't even know how much trouble I will be in when I go back to class. I just full on left!" I was panting and crying and all I wanted to do was punch Brixton.

Mateo grabbed my shoulder and rubbed it until I calmed down. He really was comforting me. He listened too. "You feel a little better?" he asked softly, trying to help as much as he could.

"Yah. I'll be okay." I took deep breaths and shut my eyes. I heard him shuffle his way onto his feet. I looked up at him and he stared down at me. "Okay, we'll I'll see you later. um..." "Cassidy" I responded. "Oh! Cassie! Bye Cassie!" "It's Cassidy-" He shut the door before he could hear me.

I huffed and leaned back. My eyes fluttered shut.


"What? Are you not excited to see me?" His dark raspy voice said. I looked into his dark green gaze. "Kitty? Are you excited to see me?" "NO! Absolutely not!" I hid a smirk when he said 'kitty' I don't know why, but it brought me back to when my parents were together. "I see that smirk on your face." he grabbed my chin and tilted it towards him. "Did you not like kissing me?" I was confused. I stepped back in shock. "I- I kissed Mateo not you!" He tsk-ed and looked me in the eyes. "That's what you wanted to think. But we all know you love me. That hate has always been love." He went dangerously close to me and whispered in my ear, "You know I love you too.."


Authors note: Heyy y'all I posted twice in one day.. I've been bored so yah. I wanted to tell y'all have an amazing day! Recommend my book if you like it so far. I'm still trying to figure out how I want this book to go so any suggestions would be absolutely amazing! Have an amazing day and remember you are loved! If you think not think again cause I'm here! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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