The Beginning

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The vortex of air around them slowly dissipated, the once messy scenery of a mixed up multitude of random colors has been adjusted into one that their brains could comprehend. The moment they touched the strange pendant, the group has found themselves feeling like that were floating in space, or falling from a great distance above without any sign of them ever landing. But after a minute or too has passed, their foot finally touch the ground at last.

The first thing they saw was the ground below them, a plain of dirt covered with bright green grass. And the next thing they see after that is the clear blue skies above them, signifying that they were teleported into a projection of an outside world, which surprisingly are a lot accurate to the one in the real world compared to the other Mirages that was either having them exploring a giant mazes with messy and confusing structures, or an almost accurate replica of a place that exists in the real world.

But even so, even this mirage that is supposed to belongs to their blonde haired friend is not so different to theirs either when it comes to strangeness.

Before anyone can speak out each of their different thoughts in their mind, they first observed the rest of their surroundings aside from those two things above, and once they did, they finally saw the said strangeness that this mirage offers them. In every direction they see, the group sees tall ginormous buildings that ranges from houses to public buildings like grocery stores, libraries, schools and hospitals, serving as giant walls that prevented them from going anywhere but forward, where it was the only path that don't get blocked by the tall buildings. However, some sort of fog or mist is covering the entire area if they squint their eyes enough, giving the location a mystical or if not a smowhat creepy atmosphere, the mist is also preventing them to see what lies in the road ahead, appearing only as a blank spaces from where they are standing now.

"Well well well, color me surprised. It seems like my prediction was indeed correct." Among them, Mona was the first one to speak after they arrived in this place, putting both of her hands on her sides looking like she was quite proud of herself for proving this place's existence. "Astrology will never fails me, looks like we just arrived in our beloved friend's secret mirage."

"Huh, so this place is Lumi's mirage?" Paimon asked while looking around at her surroundings, finding the place emitting quite a mysterious and otherworldly vibes. Quite a fitting description for the star-born traveler actually. "Paimon gotta say, Paimon is kinda surprised."

"What are you so surprised about, Paimon?" Kazuha asked after turning his head to look at the floating creature.

"Well, knowing Lumi, Paimon was kinda expecting that we will get thrown to another complex mazes or weird floating platforms again. Never thought we will be transported to an illusions of an ordinary town." The little pixie said with a smile, putting both hands on her sides.

"Actually, I think you might want to take back what you just said, Paimon."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Paimon asked while looking at Xinyan who is a distance away from where she is floating right now.

"Don'tcha see how awfully big or tall some of these structures around us are?" Xinyan asked while she approached a nearby bench, it seems like they landed in some sort of park or maybe even a playground, there are some recognizable things like street lamps, benches, bushes, and also a fountain, but what it seems to be like some ordinary things that could be found in a normal park are having sizes that are twice of their normal sizes. "Why is everything here is so damn big? Look! Even I can't sit in this bench, why would anyone even built this?"

True to her words, the said bench Xinyan approached is not a normal one, and now that she stood in front of it, everyone could see that the seat is reaching high up to her throat, nevermind the fact that she is still a young adult, even a full grown adult man will have difficulties in just having to sit on this thing.

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