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"Mama, Papa, I need to talk to you about something. Something very important!"

The voice of youngest child of the household rang in the air, the living room inside the mansion suddenly came into a complete silence. The wide open pair of golden eyes that belongs to the youngest daughter stared at the eyes of her parents in front of her who stared back at her in return.

She was seated on a single chair, while her parents are sitting on a larger couch. Her elder brother stood on one side to her right, like that of a knight to a princess, or an advisor to a commander. Meanwhile on her left, there's her first, only, and best friend. The child that is younger than her, who has a long beautiful white cotton hair that was tied into twin tails. After what happened last time involving her and her beloved big sister, the child had decided to stick close to her one and only friend, especially after the latter had sacrificed her own health just to save her. Currently, the white haired girl is standing on the left side of the blonde haired girl, while holding closely her beloved pet, a kitten with blackish blue fur which she named "Scara."

"What is it my dear? Also, how are you feeling today? Does your body still hurts?" The voice of the father spoke up, full of concern.

It is but only a few days after the family had found their precious daughter in such a catastrous state. Her body is full of bruises from top to bottom, the doctor had said that she also suffers from some minor internal bleeding in some areas. It was bad to put it lightly, they even express their surprise that she even still alive at this point, especially after the three day coma she went through. Although she has recovered enough to move freely around the house and not lying all day in bed, her bruised body is still all covered in bandages.

"I'm fine, Papa. I can move around just fine now, even though some parts of my body and my joints still hurts." The girl replied, raising a single arm up, wincing a little from the small pain she's feeling.

"It's better that you continue to get some rest, Lumine. Don't worry about school, your health is far more important." The mother spoke up, putting a single hand on her chest.

"I know, Mama. But, I really wanted to talk to you about this." The girl with blonde hair, Lumine, replied while her eyes are downcast, looking at her hands that are gripping the hem of her skirt tightly, sweats raining down her forehead and she gulped down nervously.

"After the incident that took place several days ago. Lumi had made a surprising discovery related to what happened during that time. She and I have discussed it thoroughly, and after gathering some evidence, and gives it all some thoughts, we think that it might be better to consult it you two." Aether added, he sensed the nervousness coursing through his sister's body, and he's willingly helping her during this tense situation, reaching out to put a single hand on her shoulder, and give it a squeeze, which visibly makes her a little relaxed for a bit.

Their parents didn't say anything after that, but they silently look at each other before nodding their heads to gesture for their daughter to explain what is currently swirling inside her mind.

And now that both of her parents have given her the approval to speak, there should be no more obstacles for her to finally give them the words in her mind. And yet, she's still finds it difficult to speak, let alone parting her lips to make a sound. Just what is it that made her unable to speak out like this? Was it merely because she was nervous of what her parents reactions would be? Or was it because of fear? Does she fear for the outcome of what she's about to tell them? It seems to be right.

For all her life, the youngest daughter have always been known that between her and her brother, she was the inferior one, she was the shadow that follows upon the light that her brother brings, a mere images of him, reflected upon a dirty and broken mirror. Her parents had always thought that, other people had always sees that, and she herself have always accepted that. Aether is better, Aether is smarter, Aether is friendlier, and Aether is stronger. While Lumine is... Well... Lumine is nothing, just like a shadow that follows her brother, blank and featureless, with no interesting qualities whatsoever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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