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I was in the living room sitting on the couch talking to my grandma

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I was in the living room sitting on the couch talking to my grandma.  "I think you should move in with Ty" she said and I looked up at her and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why do you think that?" I asked her. "Because you're almost twenty and you can't keep worrying about me. I'm going to be fine but I want you to live your life and live with you man.

I moved my mouth to the side and looked off and started to fall deep into my thoughts. I don't wanna leave my grandma but at the same time she's right. I do need to start living my life.

"You know you can always call me" I told her.

"Girl you know I'm going to be fine" She said.

"I guess I'll tell Ty that I'm moving in" I said.

"Yeah do that , ain't no I guess because you are" she said and I mugged her causing her to laugh

"But yeah you know this will always be your home too" She said.

"I know grandma" I said.

"Imma go lay down I'm retired she said gettibg up dragging her oxygen tank with her on a oxygen roller.

I know I need to start living my life but at the same time I don't wanna leave my grandma. I do wanna move in with Ty tho but I don't know what it would be like living with a guy. I'm used to having my
Own space and everything but I won't know what living with a guy is like until I give it a try.

"But you won't know unless you give it a tryyyy" I sung thinking about the song.

I got up and went in the bathroom and stepped on the scale. I watched the numbers change fast and it said 186.

"I'm getting too fucking fat I cannot do this shit." I said looking in the mirror and I lifted my shirt seeing my stomach start too pop.

Later on...

Kobe wanted all of us to meet at him and Jas house. We were all over there just chilling drinking and smoking.

"Bitch it's new years and I'm mad I can't drink!" Jasmine said pouting.

"Well too bad because you're not gonna poison my baby" Kobe said and Jasmine mugged him.

"No telling what her ass do when you aren't around Kobe" I said.

"Why would i drink or smoke while I'm pregnant? Y'all act like I'm a bad mom." She said.

"Girl you know you love to drink and mainly smoke" I said.

"That's why yo lips getting dark cause you wanna be smoking so damn much" I said and Jasmine mugged me.

"Ain't shit wrong with my lips I'd only smoke when me and Kobe would share a blunt and that's it." She said.

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