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"Kay.. Kayy.. Kayyy wake up sleepy head" he tapped my forehead and I slowly opened my eyes and looked around.

"Hey mami" Jonathan said looking at me with a smile.

"H...huh.." I said feeling dizzy.

"I know you feel a little weird but it'll ware off in about a hour" He said going over to the sink washing his hands.

I looked down seeing that I was sitting in a chair and my feet were tied to the chair and so were my hands.

"W..why am I here.." I said looking down and closing my eyes.

"You didn't think I was gonna let you get away with you ditching me and letting your weak ass boy friend trying to kill me did you? Tehehe silly girl." He said laughing and drying his hands.

"I need.. to ca... call Ty" I mumbled.

"Hmph" he said. He said in a chair and moved closer to me. "This would've never happened if you would've just gave me a chance. Instead you had to make me feel like I was fighting for my spot and you gave it to that mark ass nigga instead" He said.

"But it's okay mamas , I forgive you I know you didn't mean it." He said.

He went over to a table which had knifes and guns on it. "Which one should I choose... eeny meeny miny...moe" he said pointing to the knifes and guns.

He picked up the gun and walked over to me and sat in a chair in front of me "now we'll be able to be together my love" he said rubbing the gun on my chin and I started to cry.

"No shh shh shhhh , it'll be quick you won't feel a thing" he said loading the gun.

"I never thought this would have to be the way that I would have to win you over but it is what it is" he said  and he pointed the gun to me.


"Oh my goddddd" I got said sitting up and looking around. I held my chest as I felt my heart racing and I looked next to me seeing Ty turned the other way asleep.

I got up and went In the bathroom and looked in the mirror seeing dry tears on my face and my eyes were red.

I've never had a dream about Jonathan and I feel like it was a sign of something , but at the same time he's dead so I know he can't do anything.

"Just a dream Kay ... Just a dream" I said taking a deep breath and releasing it and going in the kitchen.

I went in the refrigerator and grabbed a vanilla protein shake out the refrigerator. I opened it up and drunk from the carton and licked the vanilla off my lips.

I felt a very cold breeze and I rubbed my arm and looked at the patio door that leads to the balcony seeing that the door was open.

"I told Ty ass to close this Shit" I said going to slide the door shut and I shook my head and went back in the kitchen.

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