Meet the pack

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Jimin had been with Jungkook for a month but he still hadn't gone far from home.
Jungkook decided a little shove was needed.
His friends had all arrived at their house for a meal and chat. Hobi and Tae had found out about the mindlink from Jungkook and Tae had been ecstatic when he learned that mates could block each other.
"Oh god that's great, now Hobi won't know what I'm buying him for a present !"
"But Tae...," Hobi whined.
"It's fine Hobi you can hide what you get me instead of pretending we both don't know !"
"But no important things right,"
Tae nodded hugging his mate.
"Right, I've decided to hold a pack party to introduce the new Luna and for it to be a commitment  ceremony"
"Yay! Party!" Jin said
"W-what?" Jimin asked.
"Babe you've been here a month and don't go out, the pack is keen to meet you and the ceremony is like a wedding ."
"Do I get a ring?"
"You want one?"
Jimin nodded
" ok you get a ring"
"Tae we need to get Jimin an outfit,"Jin said
"Yay shopping !" Tae yelled
"I'm not really into clothes..." Jimin said haltingly
Tae and Jin looked shocked.
"Definitely have to sort him out," Tae muttered.
"Actually you two can take Jimin shopping he needs new clothes he only brought along a few," Jungkook said.
"I don't..." Jimin started but Tae and Jin jumped in,
"Tomorrow? That suit you Tae,"
"Tomorrows great, start early it's going to be a long day....."
" it's just clothes...," Jimin muttered.
"Give in gracefully Jimin, you don't know these two when they start shopping "
Jimin sighed and nodded.
"You want the old barb done out?"Yoongi asked
"Please, get as many in as you need to help Yoongi and we can do a massive barbecue,"
Namjoon stomach rumbled .
"Oops sorry, I just love barbecue meat!"
Everyone laughed and the rest of  the night passed quickly.
The next day Jimin was dressed and waiting.
"Use my card babe,"
"What oh no, I have my own money...,"
"But I should pay your money is yours but I am your mate and Alpha!"
"And I'm not poor so no more macho Alpha stuff,"
"I wish you would let me take care of you...."
"You do, but I need some independence too."
Tae and Jin turned up and soon the three left, Jungkook watched them go feeling  the kiss of Jimin straight away.
Why can't he let me do things for him, why is it a struggle? First No mark, now not letting me pay all normal things for mates...., maybe he will settle down once we have the ceremony then I can't wait to see his belly full with my pup.
Jungkook cheered up at the thought.
Two hours later and Jimin had got enough clothes for a lifetime.
"No more, I'll never wear all this!"
"Of course you will, your the pack Luna you will go with Kook to special events"
"I don't think I'd be much help....."
"Stop doubting yourself..., you will be great, now one last shop to get your outfit for the ceremony."
They walked into a shop, Jin and Tae walked towards suits that were white or black but Jimin saw something that drew him near.
"So Jimin what about this....,Jimin?"
Tae and Jin turned to see Jimin holding a deep red outfit.
"I like this...."
"Mmm but it's red what colour shirt you gonna wear?"
"Red....,everything red"
The assistant hurried up helping Jimin find what he wanted and Jimin disappeared into the changing room.
"Red? Do you think it's ok?" Jin asked
"Well if it doesn't look good on him we will tell him"
Jimin stepped out," oh my god!" Tae said.
"Do I look bad?"
"Are you fucking kidding me, Jungkook will find it hard to keep his hands off you!"
Jimin blushed and looked at his reflection.
The red accentuated his slim figure, he was exceedingly sexy looking.
"Hair," Jin said ," we need to get it styled"
Jimin changed and paid for everything and the three went to a hairdressers, while Jimin had his hair styled the other two had a wash and trim.
Jimin suddenly heard Jungkook in his head.
"Babe I miss you how much longer?"
"I'm having my hair done then coming back, these two could go on for hours!"
"Let's have a cosy night in"
"Yes, my feet are killing me!"
Jimin smiled to himself, Jin noticed.
"Yer he misses me,"
"I wonder how he will manage to share you with your pups."
Forgetting to block his thoughts Jimin said,
"I'm not having his pups."
The hairdresser called him over to the sink to rinse out the highlights he didn't notice Jin and Tae's frowns.
Jungkooks voice was in his head,"Jimin..!"
He sighed and blocked him relaxing to the head massage he was getting.
Going back to his seat he suddenly noticed the stares of the other two.
"You don't want Jungkooks pups?"
"Eh...oh! Of course I do but not just yet, I want some time for us first before I get fat and ugly."
The other two sighed in relief.
"Oh gosh you had us worried and you will look cute with a little round belly!" Tae said.
"What about you two, you've been mated longer?"
"Oh it's not for lack of trying when it happens it happens," Jin said and Tae nodded.
"Hmmm, maybe I should let fate take its course then."
Jimins hair was done and the style suited him, he hoped Kookie would like it.
They drove back dropping Jimin off first, he was surprised to see his car there then remembered Jungkook had asked for his keys so it could be picked up.
"We will say goodbye, Kookie won't want us around, have fun!"
Jimin smiled getting out, he glanced at his car seeing the keys inside, around here no one tried to steal.
Carrying his bags he walked inside.
"Kookie I'm back,"
He unblocked his mind searching for his mate but felt rage coming in waves.
Frowning he wondered what had upset him, passing the kitchen he saw Yoongi.
"Hi Yoongi.."
"Oh Jimin he's in a foul mood I don't know w..."
Jungkook strode in glaring at Jimin. He took in the styled hair and hesitant smile.
"Hi Kookie...."
"You should go,"
"Jungkook!" Yoongi said
"Don't interfere Yoongi...., you should go and find some other sap to use, you've made it clear it's your way or no way and that you don't believe in Pack mentality so go."
"I-I don't understand....?"
"You denied mates, you didn't want to be marked, only to stop someone else claiming you, you deny my help and now you want to deny my pups?
Yoongi looked shocked and stared at Jimin.
"I-I didn't know about pack life, I was scared to get marked but I'm glad I did...I didn't realise it was such a big deal not to take financial help...,w-would you take from me? And pups?"
"I could put up with all the rest but not wanting my pups..., I heard you...."
"What? It's not li......"
"Did you say it?"
"Well yes but....."
Jungkook turned yelling over his shoulder...," no Jimin, I deny you as my mate!"
A sharp burn made Jimin cry out and he put his hand to the mark Jungkook had made.
"Fuck...,it's faded," Yoongi said staring in shock.
Jungkook had stormed upstairs.
Jimin felt like his world had ended he slowly walked to his office gathered his laptop and notebooks and put them in his car, picking up the new clothes he'd bought he put them in he didn't want to disturb Jungkook anymore.
He stood in front of Yoongi," it's not like he thinks, I'm sorry I hurt him....say goodbye to the others for me."
He walked out getting into his car and driving off .
Jungkook had thrown himself on the bed he heard the car leave and felt his heart breaking. He'd hoped for so much and now it was gone.
Yoongi frowned and phoned Namjoon.
"He's gone..."
"Whose gone?"
"Jimin...., Jungkook threw him out and denied him as his mate his mark faded!"
"Why what's gone wrong!"
"Something about Jimin not wanting his pups ."
"Jimin doesn't want his pups?....Jin what....he what?" Mumbling was heard then," we are coming over."
Yoongi put the phone down and put a pot of coffee on.
Twenty minutes later, Namjoon, Jin ,Tae and Hobi burst in.
"Where is he, he got it wrong...." Jin said
"Jungkook come here!" Tae yelled.
Steps were heard and Jungkook appeared looking solemn," I see you've heard the news, I don't want his name mentioned again."
"You stupid ass!" Jin yelled
"Jinny!" Namjoon fussed
"I know you liked him but don't disrespect your Alpha!"
"Listen up Alpha!! You heard Jimin say he didn't want your pups?"
"Damn it Jin I'm warning you!"
"You asshole..., he didn't want them yet he wants more time with you!!"
"Not so cocky now are you, he must have forgotten to block you so you only heard the first bit, he explained after why then even said he'd leave it up to fate!!"
"Oh fuck...what have I done,Jimin! Jimin!"
"He won't hear you , you denied him as your mate your mark faded," Yoongi sighed.
"Shit no where is he, I need to find him I can't let him go!"
He curled up on the floor howling his pain as his friends looked on in worry.

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