A precious love

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Jimin was dressed in his red suit looking amazing, Tae and Jin accompanied him into the barn where pack members were assembled.
Jungkook was dressed  up looking handsome waiting for his mate, he couldn't take his eyes of the vision walking towards him.
Jimin was nervous he glanced around seeing all these people, his eyes met the glowering look of Lisa, she was dressed up as if she thought it was her getting married,Jimin straightened his back and walked towards his love.
Jungkook took his hand turning to those gathered.
"Dear Jeon pack, your here today to join Jimin and myself as we make vows before you to uphold our beliefs and keep unity. This is my true mate Jimin, who I take to be by my side as my partner in life no other will take his place and no one will separate us, I promise with this ring that Jimin will by my side keep the pack strong as your Luna."
He slid a ring on Jimins finger then squeezed his hand to encourage him.
"I Jimin promise to do my best as your Luna, to love and honour our Alpha to be by his side always and to be a member of the Jeon pack for life."
Jimin slid a ring on Jungkooks finger and a cheer went up, Jungkook drew Jimin to him to kiss him passionately much to the delight of the pack.
Music was played and people danced jimin was introduced to so many people his head spun.
"Kookie I need to sit down,"
"Ok babe I'll get you some water,"
Jimin sat watching the crowd.
"You think he'll stay with you? I know what he likes he has a strong sexual need,"
"Lisa...., still here?"
"You slut, he was mine!"
"You were his go to just for his rut, did you never wonder why he never spent time with you beside that?"
"How dare you!"
"Truth hurts doesn't it, we'll sorry bitch but he's mine and soon to be a daddy, so go find someone else to fuck your not wanted here and if you ever talk to me like that again you won't have a pretty face left!"
Lisa stormed off.
"Hmmm harsh words babe but so sexy to hear!"
"Hormones love and you think everything is sexy,"
"Well you in that suit is,"
"Mmm but it wasn't this tight when I got it,"
"Maybe we should get you out of it..., just so you can breath,"
"Hmmm, so considerate..., no ulterior motive?"
"Maybe..." Jungkook said with a devilish glint .
He clapped his hands," ladies and gentleman, please carry on with the party  but your Luna is tired..., we are expecting."
Cheers went up and congratulations rang out, then Jungkook carried his husband out and drove them home.
Barely getting in the house and Jungkook had stripped him off and himself," fuck I wanted to do this as soon as I saw you, he sat on the sofa sitting Jimin facing him. They kissed their tongues entwined then Jungkook sucked on his favourite new things, Jimins nipples, due to his pregnancy he was so sensitive there that it turned him on quicker than anything.
"Ah Kookie......"
Jungkook flipped him so he was laying on the sofa he kissed down Jimins body taking his member in his mouth . Jimin gasped thrusting into Kookies throat,
Jungkook slid a long finger into Jimin pumping against the sensitive bundle of nerves he found there. Jimin writhed as pleasure built up, keening as he came hard in Jungkooks mouth pleasure rolling through him. Jungkook didn't give him any time to relax he bent him over the edge of the sofa and rammed into him.
"Ah fuck, Kookie it feels so good..."
"I'm gonna fuck you all night babe, this is just the beginning"
Jungkook kept his word , he couldn't get enough of Jimin and only stopped when Jimin nearly passed out from overload of pleasure.
Six months later and Jimin fitted well in the pack, his kind nature drew people to him.
He was in his office finishing the drawing for his next book,'and baby makes three'.
"Jimin! Tae and Jin are here!" Yoongi yelled.
Jimin puffed as he got up, his belly was large and he wore a large loose shirt and sweatpants.
"Jimin all set?"
"Yes, thanks for going with me, Kookie couldn't put off this meeting and I said not to worry it's just a check up."
Jin and Tae looked at each other," we have news... I'm pregnant six weeks," Tae said,his face smiling joyfully.
"And me too, only eight weeks Jin said,"
"Oh my goodness congratulations, it will be fun our babies being nearly the same age!"
"It's fate," Tae said laughing.
"We are going Yoongi, can you make a cheesecake, I'm craving one?"
"Ok but get along now it will be ready when you all come back."
They drove to the doctors talking baby clothes and cribs.
Jimin went into the doctor as the other two waited outside.
"Hi Jimin, your looking well,"
"I feel like a whale,"
"Hmm, you are quite big, let's just run the scanner over you,"
Jimin lay back muttering about swollen feet and cravings for sweet things.
"Ah ha, there we have it,"
"What, is the baby ok, is it big?"
"Jimin your having twins, looks like this one was hiding behind the other last time."
Tae and Jin looked up as Jimin walked out, his face told them something had happened.
"Jimin what's wrong, should we call Jungkook, is the baby ok?"
Jimin stared at them in a daze," twins....., I'm having twins....," he laughed before fainting, luckily being caught by Jin and Tae .
His eyes fluttered open and he was in his own bed, Jungkook was clasping his hand.
"Jimin you scared me passing out like that,"
"Kookie I'm having twins!"
"I know babe, is that what made you faint? Don't worry we will manage...two babies!!" He laughed.
"No wonder I'm this fat!"
"Your not fat your pregnant "
"Oh dear Tae and Jin...?"
"Are downstairs ..."
"Ok help me up,"
"Shouldn't you rest?@
"Are you kidding we have Yoongi's cheesecake to eat!"
Jungkook helped him downstairs where he was fussed over by everyone. Yoongi dished up big helpings of cheesecake to the pregnant trio who thanked him.
Jimin was finding it hard to get around his feet were puffy and his belly large.
His moods changed daily and Jungkook tip toed around him trying to keep him calm.
"Jimin stop working rest in the bed ,"
"I'm finished , I just need to fax this over to the editor," he placed it into the machine making sure it was sent.
"Your doing too much please rest,"
"Kookie I'm barely moving I'm so huge, I needed to get that sent and then....oh!"
"What? What's wrong,"
"Kookie help me change my waters broke,"
Jungkook panicked," two weeks they can't come yet!"
"Kookie ! Damn it I'll do it myself," he waddled out the room getting to the stairs as Jungkook suddenly realised what was happening. He rushed out carrying Jimin the rest of the way then helped Jimin out of his clothes showering him and helping him dress.
"Ahhhh!" We gotta go!"
Jungkook carried Jimin downstairs yelling for Yoongi.
"Yoongi start the car the babies are having Jimin.., er Jimins having the babies!!"
Yoongi rushed from the kitchen as Jungkook ran to get Jimins bag .
Yoongi had the car going as Jungkook helped Jimin to it.
Jimin was in pain sweat pouring off him as he rode the contractions out.
"Kookie it aaaagh!"
"Nearly there babe nearly there,"
Yoongi screeched to a halt jumping out and yelling for help orderlies rushed out with a gurney and Jungkook placed a crying Jimin on it.
"Go,go I'll let the others know," Yoongi said.
Jimin was rushed in, his doctor was there and examined him.
"I don't feel..." Jimin said before passing out.
"Hurry Caesarian somethings wrong...!"
Jimin was rushed into the operating theatre leaving a crying Jungkook outside.
Yoongi came in accompanied by Tae who had been nearby.
"Kookie why you crying what's wrong?"
"I can't loose Jimin, I need Jimin somethings wrong!!"
Yoongi called their other friends and soon all were gathered outside the theatre.
Soon they heard cries," the babies "Jungkook whispered.
Nurses pushed two cribs out," mr Jeon your son and daughter ."
Jungkook looked at the two sweet babies then at the nurses,"Jimin?"
The doors swung open and the doctor came out looking weary.
"Jimin, where's Jimin!"
"It's ok Mr Jeon it was touch and go,  the babies are healthy and we saved Jimin.., but due to complications ...., Jimin can't have any more babies."
Jungkook heard the others gasp, " he's going to be ok though?"
"Yes he will be fine, when he comes round he'll be taken up to his room now why don't you go with the nurses and get to know your children?"
"I.....," jungkook looked back at the theatre doors.
"Come on Kook your kids need you," Namjoon said.
An hour later Jimin stirred opening his eyes to find himself in a bed Jungkook holding his hand.
"Jimin oh god I was so scared!@
"Kookie are the babies ok?"
"Yes,yes we have a son and daughter, look they are asleep in their cribs,"
Jimin with Jungkooks help sat up a bit," oh they are beautiful aren't they? Kookie what's up, I can feel your sadness."
"Jimin we nearly lost you, due to complications,y-you can't have more children."
Jimin was startled, he could see Jungkook was in pain for him.
"Kookie are our babies healthy?"
"So we should look on this as a blessing, we already have two healthy children so if fate has decreed we have no more I'm ok with it."
"Are you sure Jimin you're not just saying it?"
"Kookie we are blessed with two, we have our family."
"Jeon Jimin I live you so much, I will spend the rest of my life proving it."
"You already show me, I love you too,"
A knock came on the door and Tae's head popped in,
"Is Jimin awake yet?" He said in a loud whisper.
"Come in Tae," Jimin said and the door opened to show all their friends waiting anxiously." All of you come in!"
Everyone came in cooing at the babies and asking Jimin if he was ok.
"I'm fine...., more than fine my family is complete."
"Have you got any names?"Jin asked
Jungkook turned to Jimin questioningly .
Jimin smiled," please meet our son Si Woo and our daughter Ara."
Jungkook smiled down at him, " beautiful just like their mother."
Eventually everyone left, Jimin tried to persuade Jungkook to get some sleep at home but he wouldn't hear of it.
Ara cried out and Jungkook picked her up passing her to Jimin. She nuzzled against his chest.
"Oh she must be hungry," he lifted his top and the baby latched into a nipple.
"I'm jealous," Jungkook said watching as his daughter sucked.
Soon the baby burped and drifted to sleep. Jungkook carried her to her crib settling her, he turned to see Jimin looking for a tissue to wipe his dripping nipple.
"Wait," he demanded bending to lap up the droplet.
""Sweet," he murmured
"What , I love your nipples especially when it turns you on,"
"Only when your mouth is on them," Jimin murmured.
"How long before your recovered?"
Jimin laughed," a while yet babe," he patted the bed,
"come cuddle me"
Jungkook lay there and Jimin cuddled against him carefully the scar from his operation sore.
"I'm so glad for the snow storm that sent you to me, your my protector , my lover my life."
"Always babe always, don't ever doubt it."
Holding his lover carefully, he placed kisses on his head. Letting him fall into a restful sleep.
Su woo woke and Jungkook hurriedly picked him up lifting a sleeping Jimins too and letting him suckle.
"Hey little guy, daddies just letting you use these for now, ok they are mine , when you grow up you'll know what I mean."
He burped him settling him back in his crib then went to his sleeping mate lapping at his nipple, earning a moan from the other. He sighed pulling Jimins top down then having to go to the bathroom to see to his own needs.
Coming out he sighed," baby this is going to be a long few weeks,!!"
He lay in the bed next to his mate who naturally nuzzled against him.
He kissed his sleeping head,". Get all the rest you can babe because we are gonna have a spectacular session when you are able !!"
Unaware his mate pressed close and that's how they slept, Jungkook sending thanks for the safe return of his beloved .

The End

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