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Trigger warning for this chapter!! Contains mentions of SA

Trigger warning for this chapter!! Contains mentions of SA

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"So so I call you the cannibal kidnappers now or what?"

"Why do we need this stupid dish." Murphy complains.

"Addi and Mack went to get a radio, they need a signal so we need this dish whats so hard to understand, Murphy?" Cassandra snaps at his comments.

"With our luck we pick up porn." Doc says.

"I've never seen porn." 10k says.

We all look at him in shock.

"You've never seen porn?" Cassandra asks.

"No? Is it good?" He asks confused.

"Well- ye- yeah?" Cassandra says in a 'im over this' tone.

"YES!" Doc yells.

"Calm down there doc." I say while I lean against the brick.

"Have you ever seen porn?" Murphy asks me.

"Didn't have to with the group I was in. I practically lived it." I say while shooting a zombie with my bow.

"Wait your not a virgin?" Doc asks me.

"where I was at, people would force it. The men, well better said boys were so- in the end of the world let's just say that's when they decided they wanted anything And everything. They forced all the girls in the camp to do basically anything they wanted." I say while walking and picking up my arrow.

10k drops what he is doing and just stares at me. As I was sitting there Cassandra spoke up.

"Me too Fae. They are monsters where I'm from. Although they don't do what I think your talking about." She adds.

"Wait is that why you flinch whenever any one touches you? Or why you don't let any male touch you?" Murphy asks.

I stay silent.

"Well not any male. She lets 10k get close." Doc says.

"Because I trust him." I say before walking away to go see how Addi is doing.

As I run over to the cop car I see people dragging her out of the car. I raise my bow up and shoot one of the men on the sidelines.

"Put her down! Or I'll kill you!" I say before someone from behind knocks me to the ground.

He rolls me over and gets in top of me which instantly makes me panic as I get flashbacks.

"Get off me!" I yell really loud.

The man stands up and drags me up as well before a different man kicks me and punches me, causing my nose to bleed. They pick me back up and throw my bow and arrow on the ground before putting something over my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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